Remember what I said last night about probably having more sanding to do tonight? I was wrong! I have -never- been so glad to be so wrong in my entire life. EVER! That's because we started a new module today: Basic Veneering. We're going to be creating a tabletop for the leg and rail that we designed back in module 4. Now let's just hope I don't royally screw up whatever design I come up with for the parquetry. If I do, feel free to throw me into a steaming pile of freshly laundered, fluffy towels. ...What? Hey, if I end up screwing it up, I'll need to be comforted! Just be happy I didn't ask to be treated to an expensive Japanese meal. Actually, that's not a bad idea...
Speaking of wood, I finished that tea box I was making! And it turns out the teachers didn't use the projects as firewood! Eh, that's probably because it's so hot outside. Mind you, it's got a bunch of flaws in it that I'm not too happy about. Of course, a certain someone will be hitting me upside the head as she reads this. *Gets hit by a hippo*
-She's not even reading yet!
-*Shrugs* Pre-emptive strike?
-At least wait until she freakin' gets here. Don't go around hitting people, alright?
-I'm bored. *hits me upside the head again*
-*Gives the evil eye* You watch it!
-... *Takes out 7-feet Masamune*
-Wha... How... When did... YOU'RE 6" TALL! THAT SWORD IS 7'!
-I'm just that awesome.
-*Mind explodes*
ANYWAY! Considering the fact that it was only my third project, it didn't turn out too bad. It certainly could have been worse. You know, like cutting the box open on the wrong side. ...Don't worry. I didn't. haha Although I nearly did that for my first project. Actually, forget what you just read. Reach for that delete button and press it repeatedly.
That's it for tonight. I'm going to be looking for a parquetry design for the tabletop. Let's hope I find something to my liking.
Now be nice and don't antagonize the hippo over there. I'm not responsible for whatever he does to you.
That box looks amazing. You know what? I think your tea box could have made the Late Night show with Mr.Hippo. It coulda been a whole topic; special edition: TEA BOX. "Tonight, the TEA BOX tells us all about its past, present and future. From nothing to something, the TEA BOX has certainly made it far. Now in a safe home, but it's not always been this way. The TEA BOX has been roughed around, hammered and even cut many times. Wounds didn't matter, it was all about protecting what mattered most...Tea. Join us for more, after the break." I guess I'm trying to compensate for our Habs' loss tonight. Glad you had fun at work watching the devastating game :(
And please, I don't hit people. I kill them, it's a different story.
Hippo just softens them up for you, eh? *shakes head*
Just admit it. You're a bad aim with the shotgun. Hippo knocks them unconscious so you can shoot until you finally hit your victim. *pats you on the head* It's okay. Nobody'll know.
Man, if my tea box makes it onto Hippo's Late Night show, that'll be the day I make you one too! ...Wait, what am I saying? That's already being done as we speak. =D
nice tea box, we need better quality photos next time =)
rock, paper, sand sounds like a great game! we should play :)
loser gets hippoed.
Hippoed...I wonder how that'll feel. I certainly hope it won't be this: eyes. I can't stop watching!
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