Do you know what happened tonight? No, besides that. Err... Yes, that did happen but not that. Yes, I did shower. No, I did not brush my teeth yet. No, I did not get sprayed by a skunk. And if I did, I would have made a beeline for your place anyway.
No, what happened was this: I had my mind completely blown away. Again.
Yes, again. Pauline blew my mind away the first time when she came up with a design for my marquetry project (the serving tray). She just did it -again- for my final project.
Is she amazing or is she amazing?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
YES! My project proposal for my final project has been approved! *pumps fist and does victory dance*
What...? Yes, this IS my favorite dance. If you must know, it's a ballet and tap dance version of the Carlton. Then of course, Pauline came in, upgraded it and it is now my bankai.
Jer: No problem, it's my pleasure. See you on Sunday then. :)
Pauline: And we shall discuss Bankai.
Jer: Yours, at least. I have yet to achieve it.
Pauline: lol You're like baldie. You have it, only no one knows it.
Jer: Are you insinuating that I'm going bald? I know I have thin hair but c'mon!
Pauline: No... Bankai. ¬ . ¬ Coliss...
Jer: Yeah and my bankai would be what? Ballet/tap dance of Carlton?
Pauline: Sure! But an evolved form of it.
Pauline: lol Like add in some macarena and a few other moves from Saturday Night Fever.
Jer: And some chacha?
Pauline: And crotch grabs!
Jer: Oh boy...
Pauline: And damn... you got yourself epic Bankai!
Jer: That would leave people blind.
Pauline: Chacha is like... for the finale
Jer: LMFAO My thoughts exactly XD
What...? Yes, this IS my favorite dance. If you must know, it's a ballet and tap dance version of the Carlton. Then of course, Pauline came in, upgraded it and it is now my bankai.
Jer: No problem, it's my pleasure. See you on Sunday then. :)
Pauline: And we shall discuss Bankai.
Jer: Yours, at least. I have yet to achieve it.
Pauline: lol You're like baldie. You have it, only no one knows it.
Jer: Are you insinuating that I'm going bald? I know I have thin hair but c'mon!
Pauline: No... Bankai. ¬ . ¬ Coliss...
Jer: Yeah and my bankai would be what? Ballet/tap dance of Carlton?
Pauline: Sure! But an evolved form of it.
Pauline: lol Like add in some macarena and a few other moves from Saturday Night Fever.
Jer: And some chacha?
Pauline: And crotch grabs!
Jer: Oh boy...
Pauline: And damn... you got yourself epic Bankai!
Jer: That would leave people blind.
Pauline: Chacha is like... for the finale
Jer: LMFAO My thoughts exactly XD
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
An update? It's a miracle!
A while ago, I saw a figure of Samus in her Varia Suit. My eyes immediately went O_O and I started drooling all over my shirt. The janitor wasn't all that happy either as he had to constantly mop the area surrounding me. It was either that or flood the entire basement section of Eaton Centre.
So today, on my day off from school (who the bloody heck schedules a day off on a Wednesday?), I went shopping for a few things. My goal for the day was actually to buy a baptism gift for my boss' son. I eventually got around to doing that but not before dropping by GameBuzz to buy myself an early Christmas gift that came in the form of Varia Suit Samus. =D It was the last one in stock too! Mwehehehehe
I also dropped by Omer DeSerres to pick up a few items to be used as a Christmas gift for my younger sister. My mom and Fanny are already taken care of. While at CLC to pick up the baptism gift, I also grabbed the new Casting Crowns album titled The Altar And The Door. Haven't listened to it yet though.
Anymoo, about two weeks ago, a classmate showed me a list that made me laugh really hard. It doesn't need an introduction but I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did. ^__^
Bathroom Humor at its finest:
So today, on my day off from school (who the bloody heck schedules a day off on a Wednesday?), I went shopping for a few things. My goal for the day was actually to buy a baptism gift for my boss' son. I eventually got around to doing that but not before dropping by GameBuzz to buy myself an early Christmas gift that came in the form of Varia Suit Samus. =D It was the last one in stock too! Mwehehehehe
I also dropped by Omer DeSerres to pick up a few items to be used as a Christmas gift for my younger sister. My mom and Fanny are already taken care of. While at CLC to pick up the baptism gift, I also grabbed the new Casting Crowns album titled The Altar And The Door. Haven't listened to it yet though.
Anymoo, about two weeks ago, a classmate showed me a list that made me laugh really hard. It doesn't need an introduction but I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did. ^__^
Bathroom Humor at its finest:
- Ghost Poopie
- The kind where you feel the poopie come out, but there is no poopie in the toilet.
- Clean Poopie
- The kind where you poopie it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the toilet paper.
- Wet Poopie
- The kind where you wipe your butt 50 times and it still feels unwiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and underwear so you won't ruin them with a stain.
- Second Wave Poopie
- This happens when you're done Poopie-ing and you've pulled up your pants to your knees, and you realize that you have to Poopie some more.
- Pop-A-Vein-In-Your-Forehead-Poopie
- The kind where you strain so much to get it out, you practically have a stroke.
- Gassy Poopie
- It's so noisy, everyone within earshot is laughing.
- Drinker Poopie
- The kind of Poopie you have the morning after a long night of drinking. Its most noticeable trait is the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet.
- Lincoln Log Poopie
- The kind of Poopie that is so huge you're afraid to flush without first breaking it into little pieces with the toilet brush.
- Corn Poopie
- Self-explanatory.
- Gee-I-Wish-I-Could-Poopie Poopie
- The kind where you want to Poopie but all you do is sit on the toilet and fart a few times.
- Spinal Tap Poopie
- That's where it hurts so badly coming out, you would swear it was leaving you sideways.
- Wet Cheeks Poopie (The Power Dump)
- The kind that comes out of your butt so fast, your butt gets splashed with water.
- Liquid Poopie
- The kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots out your butt and splashes all over the toilet bowl.
- Mexican Poopie
- It smells so bad your nose burns.
- The Surprise Poopie
- You're not even at the toilet because you are sure you're about to fart, but oops.......a Poopie!!!
- The Dangling Poopie
- This Poopie refuses to drop into the toilet even though you know you are done Poopie-ing it. You just pray that a shake or two will cut it loose.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Oh the innuendo
Now I've never played Ar Tonelico but I came across this clip, courtesy of Raychul of
Like she said, I don't know if it's because my mind's been corrupted by weird conversations (thank you, Pauline) or because I've simply been exposed to too many things but uhh... naughty much? I can't believe this actually made it into the game. *is said while laughing out loud at the clip in question*
Like she said, I don't know if it's because my mind's been corrupted by weird conversations (thank you, Pauline) or because I've simply been exposed to too many things but uhh... naughty much? I can't believe this actually made it into the game. *is said while laughing out loud at the clip in question*
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Uhh... What's that stain?
Don't worry. That red stain on my hands and t-shirt isn't blood. All that brown stuff you see on my pants doesn't mean I crapped myself either. And no, I do not have explosive diarrhea. Don't get your hopes up. If I did, that pair of pants would end up in your car.
We started the Finishing module at school. No, that's not the module where we learn how to perform Fatalities MK-style. Come to think of it, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. Imagine a bunch of cabinetmakers trying to come up with their own finishing moves? We definitely wouldn't be lacking in creativity! Look at all the tools and machines at our disposal! Not to mention volatile finishing products and sharp, pointy wooden sticks. =D
Anyway, I've been playing around with various stains and a variety of processes, testing them on different types of wood to see what effect they would have. Now THAT explains the stains on my hands and clothes. =p They've turned out pretty darn nice. So far, I've only applied stains to two of my projects but I only snapped a picture of one of them. The other one... well, it's just a test.
This here is the tea box I made uhh... Geez, I don't even remember when I made it. Oh well.
So yes, tea box! Lovely, isn't it? I know, my most awesome choice of color has left you completely speechless and staring in awe. It's okay. I understand. My only beef is that my phone's camera is really crappy because the lighting inside the school is abso-freakin'-lutely amazing! GAH! I need me a digital camera *nudge wink hint* ... I said, I need a digital camera! *NUDGE WINK HINT*
Oh and remember that abstract landscape marquetry project I did that Pauline designed? You don't? You know, this one! ... You still don't? HOW DARE YOU FORGET!? *ties together cotton rags soaked in linseed oil and throws them at you* You just wait! No, I mean really. Wait. Uhh... about 2 hours? Maybe 3? The rags should start to smoulder in about 2 hours and should catch fire 10 minutes after that.

So I put a frame around it. It's maple, for the curious ones out there. I'm actually not staining the frame. The contrast between the frame and the walnut background of the piece makes it all the more striking. I'm glad my awesomeness took all that into account.
Anyway, that's it for now. Run along now, kiddies. Don't eat too many candies. You'll get sick.
Now go! Don't interrupt me as I get high on these finishing products! ... Crap, did I say that out loud?
We started the Finishing module at school. No, that's not the module where we learn how to perform Fatalities MK-style. Come to think of it, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. Imagine a bunch of cabinetmakers trying to come up with their own finishing moves? We definitely wouldn't be lacking in creativity! Look at all the tools and machines at our disposal! Not to mention volatile finishing products and sharp, pointy wooden sticks. =D
Anyway, I've been playing around with various stains and a variety of processes, testing them on different types of wood to see what effect they would have. Now THAT explains the stains on my hands and clothes. =p They've turned out pretty darn nice. So far, I've only applied stains to two of my projects but I only snapped a picture of one of them. The other one... well, it's just a test.
This here is the tea box I made uhh... Geez, I don't even remember when I made it. Oh well.
Oh and remember that abstract landscape marquetry project I did that Pauline designed? You don't? You know, this one! ... You still don't? HOW DARE YOU FORGET!? *ties together cotton rags soaked in linseed oil and throws them at you* You just wait! No, I mean really. Wait. Uhh... about 2 hours? Maybe 3? The rags should start to smoulder in about 2 hours and should catch fire 10 minutes after that.
Anyway, that's it for now. Run along now, kiddies. Don't eat too many candies. You'll get sick.
Now go! Don't interrupt me as I get high on these finishing products! ... Crap, did I say that out loud?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Busy? Who, me? Nooo...
What? You didn't know I was busy? The fact that I didn't update this blog for so long didn't hint at anything? Yeah, some kind of friend YOU are. See if I ever work on a kitchen for you. Well, I might for you over there since you promised you'd fix my lungs in exchange for the kitchen and that's always good in my line of work. =D
So I finally got around to watching The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. G and P both strongly recommended the movie but I never got around to actually sitting my ass down and watching it. Heck, P even passed it to me. I finally watched it last night and I regret not watching it any earlier. It's such a beautiful movie. I couldn't help from shedding a few tears. Watch it. You'll understand what I mean. Check out the trailer. If you're interested, let me know. I'll pass it to you.
So I finally got around to watching The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. G and P both strongly recommended the movie but I never got around to actually sitting my ass down and watching it. Heck, P even passed it to me. I finally watched it last night and I regret not watching it any earlier. It's such a beautiful movie. I couldn't help from shedding a few tears. Watch it. You'll understand what I mean. Check out the trailer. If you're interested, let me know. I'll pass it to you.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Who did what when where?
So I had 45 hours to start and finish 4 marquetry projects. Actually, make that about 40 hours on account of all the demonstrations and whatnot. It wasn't enough time, not when we also had to make a box. Actually, most of us didn't even get the chance to finish the box. The marquetry is done but the final touches haven't been applied yet.
Anyway, here are two of the four projects I worked on. The first is a nameplate for my nephew's room door. =D

This one here is something P designed for me. I actually had to leave out some elements because of lack of time, even including the amount of time I spent on it outside of school hours at home on the weekends and in the wee hours of the morning. I barely managed to get it pressed to a substrate before having to hand it in. ><

Anyway, let me know what you think!
Anyway, here are two of the four projects I worked on. The first is a nameplate for my nephew's room door. =D

This one here is something P designed for me. I actually had to leave out some elements because of lack of time, even including the amount of time I spent on it outside of school hours at home on the weekends and in the wee hours of the morning. I barely managed to get it pressed to a substrate before having to hand it in. ><

Anyway, let me know what you think!
What do you get when you combine 2 days of work + school, 45 hours for 4 projects and 3 hours of sleep?
Stress, crankiness and a drop away from murdering the next person who asks me "Is it break yet?" GET YOUR OWN FREAKIN' WATCH!
Oh and Brisingr has been released. Bought it and waiting for book 4 now. :(
Stress, crankiness and a drop away from murdering the next person who asks me "Is it break yet?" GET YOUR OWN FREAKIN' WATCH!
Oh and Brisingr has been released. Bought it and waiting for book 4 now. :(
Monday, September 1, 2008
It's not -that- evil...
So I was browsing on 4chan earlier tonight. Whoa whoa whoa! Chill there and let's not go into shock!
Alright so 4chan -can- be pretty bad and could potentially make you blind (some things you simply -cannot- un-see...) but it really isn't all that bad. So it's up there but there are plenty of other things that are worse such as Man-Faye. ...Oh wait. I first became aware of that abomination through 4chan. Okay, think here... Right, that would wo-... I -did- think of something but I'd rather not traumatize anybody. Let's just leave it at the fact that there are things worse than 4chan. =p
Anyway, I came across an image showing a pretty darn cool desktop. After a lot of hard work digging around trying to find out what exactly were those programs on that desktop that made it so awesome, I found my answer by simply clicking on the REPLY button to see all the other posts.
Now after some fiddling around and whatnot, I present to you the awesomeness that is my new desktop!
The fan of icons sticking out of the folder is my main folder where all my files are. It's not always there but I just wanted to show you how it was. =D Ain't it purty? xD
Now I'm going to head to bed. Had a long day. ><
Alright so 4chan -can- be pretty bad and could potentially make you blind (some things you simply -cannot- un-see...) but it really isn't all that bad. So it's up there but there are plenty of other things that are worse such as Man-Faye. ...Oh wait. I first became aware of that abomination through 4chan. Okay, think here... Right, that would wo-... I -did- think of something but I'd rather not traumatize anybody. Let's just leave it at the fact that there are things worse than 4chan. =p
Anyway, I came across an image showing a pretty darn cool desktop. After a lot of hard work digging around trying to find out what exactly were those programs on that desktop that made it so awesome, I found my answer by simply clicking on the REPLY button to see all the other posts.
Now after some fiddling around and whatnot, I present to you the awesomeness that is my new desktop!

Now I'm going to head to bed. Had a long day. ><
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
So where's the butter?
This past module, #14, has been pretty darn fun. Oh and edumacashional. Officially, it's called Patterns, Templates, Jigs & Fixtures. Being the lazy bums awesome geniuses that we are, we just call it Jigs & Fixtures. Long story short, we were making jigs and templates and whatnot to facilitate the making of what we call a butter caddy. What the bloody deuces is that, you ask? Well, shut up and let me finish!
A butter caddy is just that. It's a little tray that holds a 1/4 lbs of buttery goodness. No, not that fake "I can't believe it's not butter" crap. We're talking actual butter here!
This one here is semi-finished, as in it's been sanded but no finish has been applied whatsoever. Nice, isn't it? I won't go through the whole process but suffice it to say it was frustrating at times, especially with certain jigs. GAAAH!

And now this is what happens when you apply two coats of shellac and a very generous coat of beeswax. Mind you, the beeswax was a pain in the butt. No, not because I got stung in the ass while getting the wax. ...Wait, how did you find out about that? >_> There's a spy somewhere... Why was it a pain in the butt? After that generous application of beeswax, I let that dry for about 20 minutes. Then I buffed the hell out of that caddy.

So am I going to put a 1/4 lbs of butter on it? HECK NO! Why? Because we hardly ever use butter. xD Besides, this is more of something you put out when there are people coming over. So what -am- I going to do with it? I don't have the slightest clue. I'm open to suggestions.
Now I'm off to burn a few CDs. No, not for you.
A butter caddy is just that. It's a little tray that holds a 1/4 lbs of buttery goodness. No, not that fake "I can't believe it's not butter" crap. We're talking actual butter here!
This one here is semi-finished, as in it's been sanded but no finish has been applied whatsoever. Nice, isn't it? I won't go through the whole process but suffice it to say it was frustrating at times, especially with certain jigs. GAAAH!
And now this is what happens when you apply two coats of shellac and a very generous coat of beeswax. Mind you, the beeswax was a pain in the butt. No, not because I got stung in the ass while getting the wax. ...Wait, how did you find out about that? >_> There's a spy somewhere... Why was it a pain in the butt? After that generous application of beeswax, I let that dry for about 20 minutes. Then I buffed the hell out of that caddy.
So am I going to put a 1/4 lbs of butter on it? HECK NO! Why? Because we hardly ever use butter. xD Besides, this is more of something you put out when there are people coming over. So what -am- I going to do with it? I don't have the slightest clue. I'm open to suggestions.
Now I'm off to burn a few CDs. No, not for you.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Final Fantasy? Another one?
Yeap, you read right. Yet another Final Fantasy game for the DS. So let's go down the list, shall we? I bought Final Fantasy III for myself when it came out for the DS. G, J, R and P got me Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Right as a surprise birthday gift. Before that, while I was blowing away mass amounts of noise with my sheer awesomeness in The World Ends With You, I also picked up Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates at Gamebuzz. Then last Saturday when I went to Indigo to pick up volume 1 & 2 of Claymore (I also bought volume 1 & 2 of King of Thorn on Sunday), I stopped by Gamebuzz (again) and picked up Final Fantasy IV.
Oh and uhh... Did I mention that I haven't even touched Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates yet? It's still in its plastic wrapper and all. Mint condition. =p
On another note, we're making a butter caddy in school. It's ... more complicated than I thought it would be. I knew that it'd be jigs, templates and fixtures galore. I just didn't think I'd become clinically insane designing and making them. Okay fine, so I'm already insane. That might explain why I was so ecstatic when my routing jig worked better than I had any right to hope for. haha I thought for sure I was going to have to make some major adjustments or that I would need to redo either one or both templates. Turns out I really just needed to make the opening about an 1/8" bigger on one of them.
See how it all works out? My awesomeness balances everything out. Well, nearly everything.
Don't think too hard about that. You might hurt yourself.
Oh and uhh... Did I mention that I haven't even touched Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates yet? It's still in its plastic wrapper and all. Mint condition. =p
On another note, we're making a butter caddy in school. It's ... more complicated than I thought it would be. I knew that it'd be jigs, templates and fixtures galore. I just didn't think I'd become clinically insane designing and making them. Okay fine, so I'm already insane. That might explain why I was so ecstatic when my routing jig worked better than I had any right to hope for. haha I thought for sure I was going to have to make some major adjustments or that I would need to redo either one or both templates. Turns out I really just needed to make the opening about an 1/8" bigger on one of them.
See how it all works out? My awesomeness balances everything out. Well, nearly everything.
Don't think too hard about that. You might hurt yourself.
Monday, August 4, 2008
School? SURE!
So about a week ago, I had no idea when I was supposed to start school. Actually, let me rephrase that. One of my teachers had told me we were to start school on July 30th so I took him to his word. Then during a mass email about 2 weeks ago, different dates started to pop up and everybody got confused. Some claimed they got those dates from others teachers and one even got his from the assistant principal. So what did we do? Nothing. We just carried on like school wasn't going to start for another month. =D
We actually -did- start on July 30th. A grand total of 7 students showed up. Did the teacher care? Not really. He just had us work on our own stuff the whole time. I love my program. xD
On another note, I need a vacation. Oh shush you. I never had a vacation in the first place. I was constantly working the whole time! And yes, watching The Dark Knight constitutes as work because I had to knock together a few heads to grab primo seating! Okay fine, I didn't actually punch anybody. I just kicked them down the stairs and caused a domino effect.
Oh and Ash? Just for you, I'll burn the image of Man-Faye onto the inside of your eyelids. I mean, he's already something you can't ever unsee but that way, you'll never forget him. XD See how I love you?
Now go dive in the mud in search of frogs. Or whatever it is you youngsters do when you're not knocking old people over.
We actually -did- start on July 30th. A grand total of 7 students showed up. Did the teacher care? Not really. He just had us work on our own stuff the whole time. I love my program. xD
On another note, I need a vacation. Oh shush you. I never had a vacation in the first place. I was constantly working the whole time! And yes, watching The Dark Knight constitutes as work because I had to knock together a few heads to grab primo seating! Okay fine, I didn't actually punch anybody. I just kicked them down the stairs and caused a domino effect.
Oh and Ash? Just for you, I'll burn the image of Man-Faye onto the inside of your eyelids. I mean, he's already something you can't ever unsee but that way, you'll never forget him. XD See how I love you?
Now go dive in the mud in search of frogs. Or whatever it is you youngsters do when you're not knocking old people over.
Monday, July 21, 2008
5 more minutes...
Let's make this official: I'm thoroughly overworked.
At this point, I'm past exhaustion. Light-years beyond it. Actually, travel for 10 minutes at Ludicrous Speed in the direction of "death warmed over" and you'll probably be in the vicinity of how tired I am. Of course, I still look fabulous. Don't worry. I don't disappoint in that department. I'm awesome like that.
That's it for now. I need sleep. Badly. Sorry, I crave sleep. You know, like how rabid fangirls crave for that millisecond glimpse of their favorite celebrity.
Now let me sleep and don't piss too loudly in the middle of the night. You might wake me. Then I'll have to chase you with a rusty spork.
At this point, I'm past exhaustion. Light-years beyond it. Actually, travel for 10 minutes at Ludicrous Speed in the direction of "death warmed over" and you'll probably be in the vicinity of how tired I am. Of course, I still look fabulous. Don't worry. I don't disappoint in that department. I'm awesome like that.
That's it for now. I need sleep. Badly. Sorry, I crave sleep. You know, like how rabid fangirls crave for that millisecond glimpse of their favorite celebrity.
Now let me sleep and don't piss too loudly in the middle of the night. You might wake me. Then I'll have to chase you with a rusty spork.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Alive? Yes, thank you.
Yes, I'm still alive. Quite healthy, I assure you. Breathing fine, walking great, running even! So yeah, that means you cannot have my collection of FF7: AC figurines, nor my library of novels. You can have my porn though. The only problem is that I don't have any. =D
So what have I been up to since school let out on June 27? For one thing, stage 1 of Operation Work Jeremy to Death and Not Give Him a Vacation has officially started. Kitchen renovations have started. Or rather, I've started building the kitchen cabinets. The demolition has yet to start. Mm... Demolition...
Otherwise, I've been keeping busy here and there. You know, buying books by the truckload and trying to finish The World Ends With You. Oh shush you! I'm taking my sweet time with the game, alright? I don't like to rush through things!
Anyway, the next time you don't hear from me in a while, at least have the decency to call. You know, instead of laying claim to my stuff when I'm in the next room.
So what have I been up to since school let out on June 27? For one thing, stage 1 of Operation Work Jeremy to Death and Not Give Him a Vacation has officially started. Kitchen renovations have started. Or rather, I've started building the kitchen cabinets. The demolition has yet to start. Mm... Demolition...
Otherwise, I've been keeping busy here and there. You know, buying books by the truckload and trying to finish The World Ends With You. Oh shush you! I'm taking my sweet time with the game, alright? I don't like to rush through things!
Anyway, the next time you don't hear from me in a while, at least have the decency to call. You know, instead of laying claim to my stuff when I'm in the next room.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
What? More tools?
Yeap, you heard (read?) right. I went ahead and bought more tools. This time though, we drove all the way down to Ottawa for that. No, not because we had money to blow on gas but because Montreal, and more specifically the whole province of Quebec, does not have a Lee Valley store anywhere.
We ended up leaving with about $150 worth of merchandise. Not a bad trip at all considering that we had originally planned on buying a lot more. Then when we got there, we realized we could leave out a lot of the stuff.
Now to familiarize myself with my new toys. =D
We ended up leaving with about $150 worth of merchandise. Not a bad trip at all considering that we had originally planned on buying a lot more. Then when we got there, we realized we could leave out a lot of the stuff.
Now to familiarize myself with my new toys. =D
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hand tools, routers, router accessories and tablesaw accessories on sale? Don't mind if I do! n_n
I looked at the Canadian Tire insert in the newspaper the other day with my dad and, boy were we excited! Since we're redoing our kitchen and whatnot, we're going to be needing some new tools. Then this falls into our lap. Tablesaw blades on sale, router bits on sale, router on sale. Just what we needed for the kitchen renovation!
Oh okay fine. It's just another excuse to go and buy more tools but this is a damn good excuse so shush you! Go fly a kite or whatever it is you kids do these days.
Anyway, I'm heading off early. Gotta get up early tomorrow. Why? Because the sale starts tomorrow!
I looked at the Canadian Tire insert in the newspaper the other day with my dad and, boy were we excited! Since we're redoing our kitchen and whatnot, we're going to be needing some new tools. Then this falls into our lap. Tablesaw blades on sale, router bits on sale, router on sale. Just what we needed for the kitchen renovation!
Oh okay fine. It's just another excuse to go and buy more tools but this is a damn good excuse so shush you! Go fly a kite or whatever it is you kids do these days.
Anyway, I'm heading off early. Gotta get up early tomorrow. Why? Because the sale starts tomorrow!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
After work yesterday, I hooked up with G, E, R and P. Heavy J was supposed to be there too but last minute obligations pulled him away. And we were all set on seeing him in a pink dress with a tiara too! I guess that'll have to wait.
The plan was for us to watch The Incredible Hulk and then head to Le Commensal for some vegetarian goodness. Since G had to leave to see his girlfriend early, we decided to switch it around and ate first. Poor R, him being a carnivore, having to eat there. He survived. Somehow. I think?
While there, they surprised me with a pre-order of Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. I've been repeatedly telling (threatening) them to not get me anything. When they pulled out the envelope, they said it was just a card. I take it out and I see the receipt for the pre-order. That was a damn slick move, you guys! Thanks bunches!
P found a nice place for a drink called La Terrasse Magnétique so that's we headed. Located on the top floor of Hôtel de la Montagne, it's got a damn nice view of the city. Kudos to P for digging up this place. E ordered himself a rum & coke while P ordered sangria for the rest of us. G, being unable to hold down his alcohol, still braved 3 glasses of it. That's when he spilled the beans on how he and his girl hooked up. So to celebrate that, R ordered a round of shots! lol I wonder how G is doing now. We walked him to the bus so he could get to his girl's place. haha
After that, we headed to Paramount (sorry, Cinéma Banque Scotia) and indulged ourselves with some popcorn while watching The Incredible Hulk. It's a good movie, much better than the Ang Lee one from several years back. Justice League movie, anyone?
Run along now. Don't disturb me as I'm trying to finish The World Ends with You. You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry.
The plan was for us to watch The Incredible Hulk and then head to Le Commensal for some vegetarian goodness. Since G had to leave to see his girlfriend early, we decided to switch it around and ate first. Poor R, him being a carnivore, having to eat there. He survived. Somehow. I think?
While there, they surprised me with a pre-order of Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. I've been repeatedly telling (threatening) them to not get me anything. When they pulled out the envelope, they said it was just a card. I take it out and I see the receipt for the pre-order. That was a damn slick move, you guys! Thanks bunches!
P found a nice place for a drink called La Terrasse Magnétique so that's we headed. Located on the top floor of Hôtel de la Montagne, it's got a damn nice view of the city. Kudos to P for digging up this place. E ordered himself a rum & coke while P ordered sangria for the rest of us. G, being unable to hold down his alcohol, still braved 3 glasses of it. That's when he spilled the beans on how he and his girl hooked up. So to celebrate that, R ordered a round of shots! lol I wonder how G is doing now. We walked him to the bus so he could get to his girl's place. haha
After that, we headed to Paramount (sorry, Cinéma Banque Scotia) and indulged ourselves with some popcorn while watching The Incredible Hulk. It's a good movie, much better than the Ang Lee one from several years back. Justice League movie, anyone?
Run along now. Don't disturb me as I'm trying to finish The World Ends with You. You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
My teacher is officially afraid of my group. Well, that's what his facial expression suggests. You know, me being so awesome and all. It must rub off on my classmates and whatnot. Maybe except Germain. He's got me beat there.
On Monday, the teacher separated the group into four smaller work teams and gave us different projects to work on. Most of the teams spent a good chunk of time working out the measurements and procedure. Except for my team, of course. We launched ourselves headfirst into the project. ...Which might explain why our adjustable shelves, though cut with the same setup, are all of different lengths. Hm...
Anyway, we only really put in about 3-4 hours of actual work on Monday. It's currently Wednesday night and most teams are on the home stretch with maybe 10% left of the projects to wrap up. And that's all with only 1 panel saw and 1 table saw available to us. Damn senior night group hogging all the machines! *shakes fist*
My teacher walks among our groups and his eyes widen more and more as he moves from group to group. My classmate thought it was from the horror of all the screw ups. I knew it was because we all blew his mind at how quickly we got everything done.
So yeah... I think my incredible awesomeness is rubbing off on my classmates. What can I say? I amaze myself sometimes.
Now don't make too much noise, you hear? Actually, it's okay. I won't be able to hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
On Monday, the teacher separated the group into four smaller work teams and gave us different projects to work on. Most of the teams spent a good chunk of time working out the measurements and procedure. Except for my team, of course. We launched ourselves headfirst into the project. ...Which might explain why our adjustable shelves, though cut with the same setup, are all of different lengths. Hm...
Anyway, we only really put in about 3-4 hours of actual work on Monday. It's currently Wednesday night and most teams are on the home stretch with maybe 10% left of the projects to wrap up. And that's all with only 1 panel saw and 1 table saw available to us. Damn senior night group hogging all the machines! *shakes fist*
My teacher walks among our groups and his eyes widen more and more as he moves from group to group. My classmate thought it was from the horror of all the screw ups. I knew it was because we all blew his mind at how quickly we got everything done.
So yeah... I think my incredible awesomeness is rubbing off on my classmates. What can I say? I amaze myself sometimes.
Now don't make too much noise, you hear? Actually, it's okay. I won't be able to hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
...Huh? Whazzat?
What do you get when you combine 2 newspaper runs and a 7-hour work shift with only a 4-hour nap?
*cue Double Jeopardy jingle*
A very worn out Jeremy that munches on cherries.
NB: So I got the Jeopardy deal the other way around. What're you going to do? Sic a lynch mob on me?
*cue Double Jeopardy jingle*
A very worn out Jeremy that munches on cherries.
NB: So I got the Jeopardy deal the other way around. What're you going to do? Sic a lynch mob on me?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Oh darn. Not again.
It's that time of the year again.
I'm 24 years old now.
Here's to hoping I don't screw up as much this upcoming year as I did the last. =p
I'm 24 years old now.
Here's to hoping I don't screw up as much this upcoming year as I did the last. =p
Monday, May 26, 2008
Leak? ...Oh. You're right. I -am- leaking.
Blood, that is.
On Friday, I hurt myself on the table saw. Actually, it's 4 wounds on my left hand in less than 10 minutes. How's THAT for a new record? I know, there's no need to say it. The level of awesome (retard) is mind boggling! I amaze myself sometimes.
I was trying to remove the blade since I needed to use a different one. Of course I shut the power off and turned off the breaker box. What do you take me for? An idiot? ...Oh wait, I am one. Moving on!
Whoever used the table saw before had tightened the nut on it like he was trying to strangle the damn thing. I'm sorry, buddy, but the table saw is an inanimate object. You can't kill it, much less hurt it. So as I'm struggling to loosen the nut, I feel it give a bit so I yank the wrench in the hopes of it coming loose. And it did! That's when my pinkie slammed into the table saw opening (not the blade) and left me with a nice gaping wound. I have a nice scar running from my first knuckle to the second knuckle. It's a beaut.
It hurt but it wasn't bleeding (not initially) so I didn't pay any attention to it. So I put my hand back in to unscrew the nut (that sounds so wrong) and I cut part of my palm on the blade. Whatever. I finally get the nut free (again, WRONG!) and bring it out. The edge of the pinkie finger were the nail connects to the skin? I get a cut there on the blade since my hand was balled up so the nut wouldn't fall out. (See what I did there?) Then I look at my wound and realize that I'm bleeding. Sorry, not bleeding. I was leaking at a pretty alarming rate. Therefore, I did the only logical thing: I started sucking on my finger. lol
As I turn to walk to the sink to wash hand and wound, I pass my hand over the saw blade and cut another part of my palm. BRILLIANT! 4 wounds on the same hand in less than 10 minutes. Am I amazing or am I amazing? =D
It's been 2 days now. It still !@#$%^&* hurts (thanks, FF7 Cid) and there's a nice scar. I would love to snap a photo of it and post it up but the quality on my camera phone sucks. Just use your imagination. Or I can show you. =D
Anymoo, I'm going to burn a DVD for a classmate and I'm going to head to bed.
Remember to stay away from skunks. That weird looking and bigger than average black cat you see? It's not a cat. Pray it doesn't turn around and moon you.
On Friday, I hurt myself on the table saw. Actually, it's 4 wounds on my left hand in less than 10 minutes. How's THAT for a new record? I know, there's no need to say it. The level of awesome (retard) is mind boggling! I amaze myself sometimes.
I was trying to remove the blade since I needed to use a different one. Of course I shut the power off and turned off the breaker box. What do you take me for? An idiot? ...Oh wait, I am one. Moving on!
Whoever used the table saw before had tightened the nut on it like he was trying to strangle the damn thing. I'm sorry, buddy, but the table saw is an inanimate object. You can't kill it, much less hurt it. So as I'm struggling to loosen the nut, I feel it give a bit so I yank the wrench in the hopes of it coming loose. And it did! That's when my pinkie slammed into the table saw opening (not the blade) and left me with a nice gaping wound. I have a nice scar running from my first knuckle to the second knuckle. It's a beaut.
It hurt but it wasn't bleeding (not initially) so I didn't pay any attention to it. So I put my hand back in to unscrew the nut (that sounds so wrong) and I cut part of my palm on the blade. Whatever. I finally get the nut free (again, WRONG!) and bring it out. The edge of the pinkie finger were the nail connects to the skin? I get a cut there on the blade since my hand was balled up so the nut wouldn't fall out. (See what I did there?) Then I look at my wound and realize that I'm bleeding. Sorry, not bleeding. I was leaking at a pretty alarming rate. Therefore, I did the only logical thing: I started sucking on my finger. lol
As I turn to walk to the sink to wash hand and wound, I pass my hand over the saw blade and cut another part of my palm. BRILLIANT! 4 wounds on the same hand in less than 10 minutes. Am I amazing or am I amazing? =D
It's been 2 days now. It still !@#$%^&* hurts (thanks, FF7 Cid) and there's a nice scar. I would love to snap a photo of it and post it up but the quality on my camera phone sucks. Just use your imagination. Or I can show you. =D
Anymoo, I'm going to burn a DVD for a classmate and I'm going to head to bed.
Remember to stay away from skunks. That weird looking and bigger than average black cat you see? It's not a cat. Pray it doesn't turn around and moon you.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I liiiiiiive!
Or so I think. Wait, let me double check. ... ... Crud, I lost my mind. If anybody comes across it, please tell it to come home.
This past week has been a roller coaster. No, I wasn't ON a roller coaster. Learn you to read. It was one heck of a week full of frustrations that left me wanting to run through walls screaming like a demented cabinetmaker. Oh wait, I -am- a demented cabinetmaker. I just didn't want to hurt myself trying to run through those concrete walls.
Module 12 definitely isn't my module. Every Module 12 project so far has been screwed up by yours truly. Kickback on back piece of tool box? Check. Side piece of tool box being used as a test piece by classmate? Check. Drilling pocket hole on wrong side of table rail? Check. Almost cutting my fingers off on the table saw? Don't get your hopes up.
When I drilled that first pocket hole, it didn't hit me that I was drilling on the wrong side until I was in the process of removing the drill from that hole. That's when I looked at my piece and uttered three words: "That's a tragedy." Or rather, I remembered Alban saying that and couldn't help but repeat the same thing. I just sat there looking at the hole for a good 10 minutes before getting off my ass and covering up the entire rail with a piece of veneer.
I've already made up my mind. I'm going to remake that table frame during the summer. I'm going to buy some ash and work on it at home. That way, I'm not going to have to wait for a table saw and have other people mess with my setups and whatnot. I will, however, have to procure myself a dado set and a couple of router bits. Damn. That's more money down the drain. Oh but wait, what's this? Tax refund? Don't mind if I do! =D
In other news, I think I'm eligible for a hardware upgrade. For the ones not versed in wireless provider lingo, that means I'm entitled to a new cellphone. I'm debating whether or not I should get a new a phone. It's tempting but my phone still works. I do, however, want to get my hands on a smaller and slimmer phone. Why? With my current phone in my pocket, people think I have a freakin' can of beer stuffed down my pants.
Aaaaand that's it.
...Oh crap. Less than 2 weeks.
This past week has been a roller coaster. No, I wasn't ON a roller coaster. Learn you to read. It was one heck of a week full of frustrations that left me wanting to run through walls screaming like a demented cabinetmaker. Oh wait, I -am- a demented cabinetmaker. I just didn't want to hurt myself trying to run through those concrete walls.
Module 12 definitely isn't my module. Every Module 12 project so far has been screwed up by yours truly. Kickback on back piece of tool box? Check. Side piece of tool box being used as a test piece by classmate? Check. Drilling pocket hole on wrong side of table rail? Check. Almost cutting my fingers off on the table saw? Don't get your hopes up.
When I drilled that first pocket hole, it didn't hit me that I was drilling on the wrong side until I was in the process of removing the drill from that hole. That's when I looked at my piece and uttered three words: "That's a tragedy." Or rather, I remembered Alban saying that and couldn't help but repeat the same thing. I just sat there looking at the hole for a good 10 minutes before getting off my ass and covering up the entire rail with a piece of veneer.
I've already made up my mind. I'm going to remake that table frame during the summer. I'm going to buy some ash and work on it at home. That way, I'm not going to have to wait for a table saw and have other people mess with my setups and whatnot. I will, however, have to procure myself a dado set and a couple of router bits. Damn. That's more money down the drain. Oh but wait, what's this? Tax refund? Don't mind if I do! =D
In other news, I think I'm eligible for a hardware upgrade. For the ones not versed in wireless provider lingo, that means I'm entitled to a new cellphone. I'm debating whether or not I should get a new a phone. It's tempting but my phone still works. I do, however, want to get my hands on a smaller and slimmer phone. Why? With my current phone in my pocket, people think I have a freakin' can of beer stuffed down my pants.
Aaaaand that's it.
...Oh crap. Less than 2 weeks.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Pfft! That's a no-brainer!
Seriously. Do you -really- have to think this over?

Comic courtesy of xkcd.
In other news, I bought a new game for the DS titled The World Ends With You. I've only played a wee bit so far but it's proving to be really good. The team that worked on this game is also the same team that worked on Kingdom Hearts.
I was actually aiming to buy Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates but the salesperson was so stoked about the other one. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, you know? I couldn't bear to see him break down into tears for not buying the game he tried to sell me.
Anymoo, that's it for now.

Comic courtesy of xkcd.
In other news, I bought a new game for the DS titled The World Ends With You. I've only played a wee bit so far but it's proving to be really good. The team that worked on this game is also the same team that worked on Kingdom Hearts.
I was actually aiming to buy Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates but the salesperson was so stoked about the other one. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, you know? I couldn't bear to see him break down into tears for not buying the game he tried to sell me.
Anymoo, that's it for now.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sure you can take us with you. On Facebook!
Title © to Kristian Crossley of my Cabinetmaking class.
I took the day off from work yesterday. One of my classmates, Mary, is leaving us for Alberta. That being the case, we decided to throw a good-bye party at Nicholas' place. Well, it also doubled as a housewarming party since we're breaking in his place. Any excuse for a party, eh? haha
I made dumplings, Nich made mouth-watering burger patties, Kristian baked us some delectable burger buns, Cathy made a potato salad that was out of this world, Ben baked two yummy pecan pies and Halina mixed up a most awesome sangria. And then there are those who showed up with all the beer. Always important!
The party was a blast. Good music, good food and amazing people. It's really too bad Mary has to leave us though. Oh and the title was Kristian's response to Mary's "I wish I could take all of you with me!"
Anymoo, time for work now.
I took the day off from work yesterday. One of my classmates, Mary, is leaving us for Alberta. That being the case, we decided to throw a good-bye party at Nicholas' place. Well, it also doubled as a housewarming party since we're breaking in his place. Any excuse for a party, eh? haha
I made dumplings, Nich made mouth-watering burger patties, Kristian baked us some delectable burger buns, Cathy made a potato salad that was out of this world, Ben baked two yummy pecan pies and Halina mixed up a most awesome sangria. And then there are those who showed up with all the beer. Always important!
The party was a blast. Good music, good food and amazing people. It's really too bad Mary has to leave us though. Oh and the title was Kristian's response to Mary's "I wish I could take all of you with me!"
Anymoo, time for work now.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
May I have this dance?
This is going to be a short one so hang on to your pants!
I just went over to VGCats for my weekly dose of funnies from Scott Ramsoomair and well... unless you've played Phoenix Wright, you might not understand the joke. It's actually pretty simple but you need to know the characters in order to understand it.
However, this time on his little blab that comes with every weekly update, there were a bunch of videos there. The description for one of them was "cutest dancing animation ever", and I abso-freakin'-lutely agree with him.
I just went over to VGCats for my weekly dose of funnies from Scott Ramsoomair and well... unless you've played Phoenix Wright, you might not understand the joke. It's actually pretty simple but you need to know the characters in order to understand it.
However, this time on his little blab that comes with every weekly update, there were a bunch of videos there. The description for one of them was "cutest dancing animation ever", and I abso-freakin'-lutely agree with him.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Need a light?
I'm very much alive, thank you very much. For those who thought me dead, I apologize for shattering your miserable and morbid dreams. Actually wait. I'm not sorry. What am I talking about? Curse you for thinking me dead! *throws a rotten piece of wood your way*
Anyway, I've been busy as of late for several reasons, some of that I won't bother getting into.
School itself has been ... well, let's just say that there are some days where nothing go your way. On the bright side though, we finished the lamps we've been working on. Well, it's mostly done. There's just a few minor tweaks that we have to do but we're good to go. I didn't think to take pictures as we went along since we were pressed for time but here's the finished product.

Right now, it's just the base and the frame. I'm going to be getting the electronic components as well as the material for the lampshade at a later time. I'm still debating whether I should use rice paper, stained glass or mica (a type of stone sliced very thin, about 1/16th of an inch thick). Eh, I'll see. In the meantime, enjoy said pictures. That's an order.
Another reason that I've been lacking in my updates is because of ... Granado Espada. Yes, I've been sucked into the world of MMORPGs. Whereas WoW didn't grab my attention, GE immediately sucked me in. Maybe because I could control 3 characters at the same time or maybe because the designers made the female characters smokin' hot but whatever it is, I'm hooked. Well, I try not to be. I'm doing my best to limit myself. I'm currently only playing twice a week. Here's to hoping I can keep it up.
Anymoo, that's it for tonight. I need sleep.
Now remember: be nice to each other and don't leave the light on when you relieve yourself in the middle of the night.
Anyway, I've been busy as of late for several reasons, some of that I won't bother getting into.
School itself has been ... well, let's just say that there are some days where nothing go your way. On the bright side though, we finished the lamps we've been working on. Well, it's mostly done. There's just a few minor tweaks that we have to do but we're good to go. I didn't think to take pictures as we went along since we were pressed for time but here's the finished product.
Right now, it's just the base and the frame. I'm going to be getting the electronic components as well as the material for the lampshade at a later time. I'm still debating whether I should use rice paper, stained glass or mica (a type of stone sliced very thin, about 1/16th of an inch thick). Eh, I'll see. In the meantime, enjoy said pictures. That's an order.
Another reason that I've been lacking in my updates is because of ... Granado Espada. Yes, I've been sucked into the world of MMORPGs. Whereas WoW didn't grab my attention, GE immediately sucked me in. Maybe because I could control 3 characters at the same time or maybe because the designers made the female characters smokin' hot but whatever it is, I'm hooked. Well, I try not to be. I'm doing my best to limit myself. I'm currently only playing twice a week. Here's to hoping I can keep it up.
Anymoo, that's it for tonight. I need sleep.
Now remember: be nice to each other and don't leave the light on when you relieve yourself in the middle of the night.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Tetris theme on bottles.
This video is geekiness and Tetris fandom at its best. Of course, I count myself in those categories. haha
See more funny videos at CollegeHumor
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
What the ...?
All I have to say about tonight's game is that Price was the victim.
I mean, seriously. What the heck? Price was just there, clearing the puck and that Flyers player comes in from nowhere and freakin' TRIPS him up and sends him sprawling to the ice! What the heck!?
Then of course, there was that huge fight. *sigh*
Lost Game 3. Four more games to go.
I mean, seriously. What the heck? Price was just there, clearing the puck and that Flyers player comes in from nowhere and freakin' TRIPS him up and sends him sprawling to the ice! What the heck!?
Then of course, there was that huge fight. *sigh*
Lost Game 3. Four more games to go.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Don't just get second opinions, view it from all angles!
People, please! Don't only get a second opinion (or several, for that matter) but also look at your new logo from every possible angle! Believe me, it's going to save you (and whoever you represent) embarrassment in the long-term. I feel sorry for these people now.
The Office of Government Commerce spent £14,000 on a new logo. However, the people over at the design company never thought of viewing the logo from different angles. Let's just say it's a disaster.
This is the new logo, viewed correctly:

And this is the new logo, viewed from another angle (initially discovered since it was printed on pens and whatnot):

/FACEPALM *again*
For even more logos gone wrong, check out this gallery.
In other news, we lost 4-2 to the Flyers. That's okay. We'll do better!
Alrighty, that's it for me.
People, please! Don't only get a second opinion (or several, for that matter) but also look at your new logo from every possible angle! Believe me, it's going to save you (and whoever you represent) embarrassment in the long-term. I feel sorry for these people now.
The Office of Government Commerce spent £14,000 on a new logo. However, the people over at the design company never thought of viewing the logo from different angles. Let's just say it's a disaster.
This is the new logo, viewed correctly:

And this is the new logo, viewed from another angle (initially discovered since it was printed on pens and whatnot):

/FACEPALM *again*
For even more logos gone wrong, check out this gallery.
In other news, we lost 4-2 to the Flyers. That's okay. We'll do better!
Alrighty, that's it for me.
Definitive proof that (some) ex-girlfriends are the very definition of evil.
OWNED! Sucks to be that guy. haha I just hope none of my ex-girlfriends (past and future) will ever get that creative. And cruel.

Comic courtesy of xkcd.

Comic courtesy of xkcd.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Are we good or are we good?
You know what happened tonight? We kicked ourselves some Flyers butt, that's what happened!=D
We totally pwned them 4-3 in OT! Okay granted I wasn't watching the game but I did get an update from a very trusted source. I know it's still kind of early but ... Stanley Cup, here we come! ...AGAIN!
Anymoo, today for school, we had a field trip. ...Oh will you stop snickering? Alright ready, we had a "worksite visit"! Will you get off my case? So we went to C & D Aerospace. They make private jets and all, pretty darn cool. It's production work so I'm too sure if I'll like it. I suppose I'll give that a shot for the experience. It isn't too far from my place either so that's a bonus. So if I get hired, I can get my dad to drop me off on HIS way to work! SCORE!
Now leave me. I need to celebrate our hockey win by dancing in my underwear. =D ...Just kidding.
We totally pwned them 4-3 in OT! Okay granted I wasn't watching the game but I did get an update from a very trusted source. I know it's still kind of early but ... Stanley Cup, here we come! ...AGAIN!
Anymoo, today for school, we had a field trip. ...Oh will you stop snickering? Alright ready, we had a "worksite visit"! Will you get off my case? So we went to C & D Aerospace. They make private jets and all, pretty darn cool. It's production work so I'm too sure if I'll like it. I suppose I'll give that a shot for the experience. It isn't too far from my place either so that's a bonus. So if I get hired, I can get my dad to drop me off on HIS way to work! SCORE!
Now leave me. I need to celebrate our hockey win by dancing in my underwear. =D ...Just kidding.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Cut, flip, cut again, bookmatch and ... Wait, what? I lost you.
For the past 5 days (nights?) at school, we've been working on a veneering project. What is that? I'm too lazy to explain. Here is the definition of that term. It was a really fun project but depending on what you're doing, it could easily drive you up the walls. That nearly happened to me. Nearly. To prevent that from happening, I looked on over to the hot chick from the other group and struck a conversation before getting back into the grind. Works every time! =D
So the project we're veneering is actually a tabletop. A while back, I designed a set of legs and rails (aprons, skirts, that strip of wood that connects the legs together) during my drafting course. The tabletop was to be designed at a later time. Like ... now. With only a day's notice (and the weekend), I had to come up with a geometric design, no organic shapes allowed. To the uninitiated, that means no curves. As you all know, I'm a genius (total retard) when it comes to designs. Therefore, I asked the uber talented Pauline if I could use one of the logos she had designed before. I actually had to modify it but she gave me her permission. Or rather, I traumatized her into giving me permission. *Note to self: keep Man Faye in reserve for desperate times*
Anyway, I tried to take photos as I was going along but it's not always easy. Sometimes, you're just so absorbed in your work to even think about drinking or going to the washroom, let alone taking a photo. Or there are those times when I'm too distracted by that hot chick walking by/talking to me.

This first photo that you see is the underside of the tabletop. One of the rules of veneering is that what you do to one side must be done to the other. Why? To prevent the board from warping. What you see there is a 4-way diamond point match on a bookmatch background. Oh and it's under a thin layer of veneer tape. Those terms don't mean anything to you? That's okay. They didn't mean anything to me either until I actually sat down and stared at my veneer for a good 15 minutes. Then it hit me. Following that, I acted dumb and asked for help. From the hot chick, of course.

This one here is ... Wait ... Oh right, that's the logo that Pauline concocted, which I modified and adapted for this project. You probably don't see much since it's under layers and layers of tape. How many layers? I don't even know myself. All I know is that it took me about an hour to remove all the masking tape. Too much? Maybe but when it comes to veneering, the term "overcautious" doesn't apply because ... well, you simply -can't- be. If that logo moved so much as 1/64 of an inch while I was cutting out the shape on that layer underneath, I would have been screwed. Royally. Oh and this is actually the top of the tabletop.

This third one is taken after I finally managed to tear off all that masking tape. WOO! CELEBRATION! Actually, I can't remember if that's the back or the front. ...Now I remember. This is -after- the veneer tape has been removed. Now THAT was a royal pain in the butt. The masking tape took me an hour. This took me another hour. ...With a sponge and a freakin' paint scraper. >_< But yeah, that's what the modified logo looks like. Notice how the edges are kind of darker? That's because I burned them. ... On purpose. I was quite tempted to see if I could set them on fire but that would mean another 3 hours of painstakingly cutting out the individual shapes. In the end, I resisted the urge. Barely. Mind you, I would have rather preferred to make it as close to the actual design as possible but given the limited amount of time we had, I decided to opt for something simpler. This still took me most of Tuesday.

This next one is of the tabletop again, after I've rounded over the edges of the top. Did I mention that this is actually for my nephew? No? Well now you know. It's for my nephew, hence the rounded edges. I don't want him running around his own place and poking his eye out on the corner of the table that his uncle built for him. Boy would that leave a lasting impression. =\

Remember that first picture? The one will all the tape? This is how it looks like with the tape removed and all. Nice, eh? Of course it's nice. It's designed by yours truly. Oh fine, I got lucky and managed to get my hands on some good veneer. Sheesh, will you stop trying to burst my bubble at every turn? Give a guy some room, will you?
Anymoo, that's it for tonight.
What? You want more? I'm sorry but my awesomeness DOES have its limits. Let me get some rest and I'll amaze you some more tomorrow.
Careful you don't fall into the bowl when you get up for a midnight pee. Or whenever it is you pee in the middle of the night.
So the project we're veneering is actually a tabletop. A while back, I designed a set of legs and rails (aprons, skirts, that strip of wood that connects the legs together) during my drafting course. The tabletop was to be designed at a later time. Like ... now. With only a day's notice (and the weekend), I had to come up with a geometric design, no organic shapes allowed. To the uninitiated, that means no curves. As you all know, I'm a genius (total retard) when it comes to designs. Therefore, I asked the uber talented Pauline if I could use one of the logos she had designed before. I actually had to modify it but she gave me her permission. Or rather, I traumatized her into giving me permission. *Note to self: keep Man Faye in reserve for desperate times*
Anyway, I tried to take photos as I was going along but it's not always easy. Sometimes, you're just so absorbed in your work to even think about drinking or going to the washroom, let alone taking a photo. Or there are those times when I'm too distracted by that hot chick walking by/talking to me.
This first photo that you see is the underside of the tabletop. One of the rules of veneering is that what you do to one side must be done to the other. Why? To prevent the board from warping. What you see there is a 4-way diamond point match on a bookmatch background. Oh and it's under a thin layer of veneer tape. Those terms don't mean anything to you? That's okay. They didn't mean anything to me either until I actually sat down and stared at my veneer for a good 15 minutes. Then it hit me. Following that, I acted dumb and asked for help. From the hot chick, of course.
This one here is ... Wait ... Oh right, that's the logo that Pauline concocted, which I modified and adapted for this project. You probably don't see much since it's under layers and layers of tape. How many layers? I don't even know myself. All I know is that it took me about an hour to remove all the masking tape. Too much? Maybe but when it comes to veneering, the term "overcautious" doesn't apply because ... well, you simply -can't- be. If that logo moved so much as 1/64 of an inch while I was cutting out the shape on that layer underneath, I would have been screwed. Royally. Oh and this is actually the top of the tabletop.
This third one is taken after I finally managed to tear off all that masking tape. WOO! CELEBRATION! Actually, I can't remember if that's the back or the front. ...Now I remember. This is -after- the veneer tape has been removed. Now THAT was a royal pain in the butt. The masking tape took me an hour. This took me another hour. ...With a sponge and a freakin' paint scraper. >_< But yeah, that's what the modified logo looks like. Notice how the edges are kind of darker? That's because I burned them. ... On purpose. I was quite tempted to see if I could set them on fire but that would mean another 3 hours of painstakingly cutting out the individual shapes. In the end, I resisted the urge. Barely. Mind you, I would have rather preferred to make it as close to the actual design as possible but given the limited amount of time we had, I decided to opt for something simpler. This still took me most of Tuesday.
This next one is of the tabletop again, after I've rounded over the edges of the top. Did I mention that this is actually for my nephew? No? Well now you know. It's for my nephew, hence the rounded edges. I don't want him running around his own place and poking his eye out on the corner of the table that his uncle built for him. Boy would that leave a lasting impression. =\
Remember that first picture? The one will all the tape? This is how it looks like with the tape removed and all. Nice, eh? Of course it's nice. It's designed by yours truly. Oh fine, I got lucky and managed to get my hands on some good veneer. Sheesh, will you stop trying to burst my bubble at every turn? Give a guy some room, will you?
Anymoo, that's it for tonight.
What? You want more? I'm sorry but my awesomeness DOES have its limits. Let me get some rest and I'll amaze you some more tomorrow.
Careful you don't fall into the bowl when you get up for a midnight pee. Or whenever it is you pee in the middle of the night.
Monday, April 21, 2008
For anybody who doubted the Habs, I've only got one thing to say: OWNED!
And that's all I have to say for tonight.
For anybody who doubted the Habs, I've only got one thing to say: OWNED!
And that's all I have to say for tonight.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
You want WHAT!?
Some of the people I speak to regularly will remember this. And you'll still laugh as if you've only just heard it for the first time. If you don't, I'm not making any egg tarts for you for the next 3 months.
So about a month or so ago, some random guy walks up to the counter of the fast food place I work at. He steps back and proceeds to examine our menu. Nothing new there. He asks a few questions here and there about the food and whatnot. Kind of stupid since the description of every single item is listed on the board right next to it. Figuring he might take a while, I went back to my all too important duty of folding cones. You know, for the fries. Sorry to shatter your dreams. There are no fairies that fold them.
He finally makes up his mind and signals that he's ready to order. Here is, word for word, how our conversation went.
Customer: Not too many choices for a vegetarian, eh?
Me: Sorry, buddy. It's a franchise so we don't have much of a choice there.
Customer: S'alright, no worries. Hmm... I think I'm going to go for your veggie burger trio there with the fries and the drink.
Me: No problem! Good choice, by the way. Would you like that all dressed? *starts listing off the ingredients*
Customer: Sounds good to me! Oh, do you have bacon?
Me: ...Uhh... Sure we do. Why do you ask?
Customer: Put a few slices in the burger for me, will ya?
Me: *blinks and stares at him with a confused look* I thought you were vegetarian?
Customer: I am.
Me: ...And you want bacon in your veggie burger.
Customer: Yeap.
Me: ...Bacon. Which is meat; pork to be precise.
Customer: You got it!
Me: ...In your veggie burger.
Customer: Uh-huh.
Me: ... >_> ... *shrugs* It's your burger. *Yells out the order*
We have some kind of an understanding now. He came back again today. He looked at me and just nodded. I yelled out his order and was met by a look of confusion from my colleague. I looked at him, told him to make it and that was it. Or rather, I stared him down, told him to shut it and that was it. Then I explained after the customer left. When we finished work, I left him there waiting for his girlfriend, trying to make sense of that customer. I think I might've broken him. I feel sorry for his girlfriend. She ain't getting any of his attention tonight.
Now onto something else... Wait, let me organize my thoughts here. Okay, there we go.

So I made some egg tarts (dan tat, tan thac, whatever else you want to call it) last night. They were a success considering I made a few changes and used my family and friends as guinea pigs. I let the others try them before I bit into one. I essentially switched to brown sugar and organic milk. They looked a bit darker but they tasted just as good. Well, of course they were good. I made them.

See how good they were? That's my friend there, trying to shove ... wait, let me count them ... 1, 4, 8, 2, 5... 11 of them into her mouth all at once. I tried to warn her but she wouldn't listen. I ended up having to drive her home. Oh okay, fine. It was really late and I didn't want her going home alone. Happy? And no, no egg tarts for you! That goes for you too.
And here's an interesting conversation I had with the one and only Pauline. Don't ask. Just read. And enjoy.
Me: *shows picture of egg tarts* I made some last night. :D
Pauline: OMG! Yummmmmmmm! OMG, speaking of pastries. Did you go to the new pastry place in Chinatown? Basillic, I think.
Me: I don't remember the last time I was in Chinatown. Oh wait, I was there for a haircut last week. lol But no, I didn't go there yet.
Pauline: They have very pretty pastry. Don't know if they're good but they look pretty.
Me: ROFL Yeah, LOOKS pretty.
Pauline: And your tan thac...= le secks :P But it's true. I didn't try yet.
Me: What? Only = ? Not > ? Ah damn.
Pauline: SORRY! >
Me: So posting that. xD
Pauline: I gotta admit. I was gonna say: Jer's tan thac > IsecksI (absolute value of) :P
Me: LMAO *bows to your superiority*
Don't we have the best conversations or what? =D
Now onto something confusing and downright funny.
Think back to my other post about webmasters and their unfortunate domain names. This time, however, it's about actual companies with names that will leave you wheezing and gasping for breath. Or rather, it's about one in particular.
Where I work, there's a control panel in the back that regulates the overhead fan, exhaust and fire extinguisher. The latter is in case someone somehow ignites the food. Don't ask me how that could possibly happen. I don't even want to know.
I finally took a good look at the control panel today. And that's all I got: a good look. The moment right after that was spent laughing my head off. I don't know what goes on in these people's heads but geez... How the heck did they let this one slide by? When I finally recovered, I snapped a picture.

No, really. How the heck did this one slip by? Kudos to whoever managed to sneak this past the person who's supposed to check for these things.
Alright. That's it for me tonight.
Be careful when leaving and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
So about a month or so ago, some random guy walks up to the counter of the fast food place I work at. He steps back and proceeds to examine our menu. Nothing new there. He asks a few questions here and there about the food and whatnot. Kind of stupid since the description of every single item is listed on the board right next to it. Figuring he might take a while, I went back to my all too important duty of folding cones. You know, for the fries. Sorry to shatter your dreams. There are no fairies that fold them.
He finally makes up his mind and signals that he's ready to order. Here is, word for word, how our conversation went.
Customer: Not too many choices for a vegetarian, eh?
Me: Sorry, buddy. It's a franchise so we don't have much of a choice there.
Customer: S'alright, no worries. Hmm... I think I'm going to go for your veggie burger trio there with the fries and the drink.
Me: No problem! Good choice, by the way. Would you like that all dressed? *starts listing off the ingredients*
Customer: Sounds good to me! Oh, do you have bacon?
Me: ...Uhh... Sure we do. Why do you ask?
Customer: Put a few slices in the burger for me, will ya?
Me: *blinks and stares at him with a confused look* I thought you were vegetarian?
Customer: I am.
Me: ...And you want bacon in your veggie burger.
Customer: Yeap.
Me: ...Bacon. Which is meat; pork to be precise.
Customer: You got it!
Me: ...In your veggie burger.
Customer: Uh-huh.
Me: ... >_> ... *shrugs* It's your burger. *Yells out the order*
We have some kind of an understanding now. He came back again today. He looked at me and just nodded. I yelled out his order and was met by a look of confusion from my colleague. I looked at him, told him to make it and that was it. Or rather, I stared him down, told him to shut it and that was it. Then I explained after the customer left. When we finished work, I left him there waiting for his girlfriend, trying to make sense of that customer. I think I might've broken him. I feel sorry for his girlfriend. She ain't getting any of his attention tonight.
Now onto something else... Wait, let me organize my thoughts here. Okay, there we go.
So I made some egg tarts (dan tat, tan thac, whatever else you want to call it) last night. They were a success considering I made a few changes and used my family and friends as guinea pigs. I let the others try them before I bit into one. I essentially switched to brown sugar and organic milk. They looked a bit darker but they tasted just as good. Well, of course they were good. I made them.
See how good they were? That's my friend there, trying to shove ... wait, let me count them ... 1, 4, 8, 2, 5... 11 of them into her mouth all at once. I tried to warn her but she wouldn't listen. I ended up having to drive her home. Oh okay, fine. It was really late and I didn't want her going home alone. Happy? And no, no egg tarts for you! That goes for you too.
And here's an interesting conversation I had with the one and only Pauline. Don't ask. Just read. And enjoy.
Me: *shows picture of egg tarts* I made some last night. :D
Pauline: OMG! Yummmmmmmm! OMG, speaking of pastries. Did you go to the new pastry place in Chinatown? Basillic, I think.
Me: I don't remember the last time I was in Chinatown. Oh wait, I was there for a haircut last week. lol But no, I didn't go there yet.
Pauline: They have very pretty pastry. Don't know if they're good but they look pretty.
Me: ROFL Yeah, LOOKS pretty.
Pauline: And your tan thac...= le secks :P But it's true. I didn't try yet.
Me: What? Only = ? Not > ? Ah damn.
Pauline: SORRY! >
Me: So posting that. xD
Pauline: I gotta admit. I was gonna say: Jer's tan thac > IsecksI (absolute value of) :P
Me: LMAO *bows to your superiority*
Don't we have the best conversations or what? =D
Now onto something confusing and downright funny.
Think back to my other post about webmasters and their unfortunate domain names. This time, however, it's about actual companies with names that will leave you wheezing and gasping for breath. Or rather, it's about one in particular.
Where I work, there's a control panel in the back that regulates the overhead fan, exhaust and fire extinguisher. The latter is in case someone somehow ignites the food. Don't ask me how that could possibly happen. I don't even want to know.
I finally took a good look at the control panel today. And that's all I got: a good look. The moment right after that was spent laughing my head off. I don't know what goes on in these people's heads but geez... How the heck did they let this one slide by? When I finally recovered, I snapped a picture.
No, really. How the heck did this one slip by? Kudos to whoever managed to sneak this past the person who's supposed to check for these things.
Alright. That's it for me tonight.
Be careful when leaving and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Before I dive into any other subject, allow me to direct your attention (no, not undivided. You still need to pay attention to me) to this particular article. This freakin' made my day. Yeah, I know it's sad that an article can make my day. Wait, what am I saying? Shut up, you. Stop criticizing me and read the article. Now! *Holds up my Dozuki saw*
A mouse, a regular, run-of-the-mill, house mouse managed to solve a maze that a team of scientist spent an entire YEAR designing. Here's the kicker: the mouse did it in 30 seconds. That mouse completely and utterly destroyed that team's effort. Frankly, I don't feel sorry for them. That funding could've been used for something else. Like getting me a set of wheels. Or a whole new wardrobe. Or better yet, the kitchen of my dreams. Shush you. I actually cook!
In other news, work today was a test of my patience. That's coming from a pretty patient guy. Everything was DEAD! I literally sat there and read a good chunk of my book while my co-worker read a good chunk of HIS book. If we had cards, we would've started a poker game with the people from Thai Express, Le Wok and the penguin from the skating rink. Hey! Don't diss the penguin!
As for the game... Let's not go there. >_< Suffice it to say that Game 7 will happen on Monday at the Bell Centre. I'm not even going to watch the match. No, it's not because I don't want to be tortured. I just have more important things to do. *Gets mobbed by Habs fans everywhere* Now I shall leave you with the single, most awesome cosplay I've seen. EVER! It's made of nothing but WIN! Bask in the glory that is ...
A mouse, a regular, run-of-the-mill, house mouse managed to solve a maze that a team of scientist spent an entire YEAR designing. Here's the kicker: the mouse did it in 30 seconds. That mouse completely and utterly destroyed that team's effort. Frankly, I don't feel sorry for them. That funding could've been used for something else. Like getting me a set of wheels. Or a whole new wardrobe. Or better yet, the kitchen of my dreams. Shush you. I actually cook!
In other news, work today was a test of my patience. That's coming from a pretty patient guy. Everything was DEAD! I literally sat there and read a good chunk of my book while my co-worker read a good chunk of HIS book. If we had cards, we would've started a poker game with the people from Thai Express, Le Wok and the penguin from the skating rink. Hey! Don't diss the penguin!
As for the game... Let's not go there. >_< Suffice it to say that Game 7 will happen on Monday at the Bell Centre. I'm not even going to watch the match. No, it's not because I don't want to be tortured. I just have more important things to do. *Gets mobbed by Habs fans everywhere* Now I shall leave you with the single, most awesome cosplay I've seen. EVER! It's made of nothing but WIN! Bask in the glory that is ...

Me? Design? Pfft, yeah right.
So after looking long (for about 5 minutes) and hard (searched Google Image and clicked a few pages) last night for a design for the tabletop, I have narrowed my decision down to ... *cue drum roll* ... one of Pauline's designs. =D You didn't see that coming, eh? Actually, this isn't the first time I've used something she made. During module 5, for the Carved Frame Panel project, I made a carving of one of her logos. That turned out to be awesome. Partly because she designed it but mostly because I carved it. :3
But really, Pauline has got some mad skillz! Her talent is, in my humble opinion, one of the best out there. Mind you, I haven't been privy to many others but from what I've seen so far, she's at the very top of my list. The very proof that she's so awesome rests in the fact that I'm using yet another one of her logo for my tabletop design. Oh and did I mention that she also went to the trouble (at my request) to come up with something awesomely spectacular? I -would- post the design here but I'm afraid of theft so I won't. All I'll say is that my jaw dropped when I saw it. I was in total awe and I still am. Why? First of all, because it's a totally kickass abstract landscape but she also simulated wood grain. WOOD GRAIN! Do you have any bloody idea how that blew my mind? What can I say? This chick's BEYOND awesome. And the best part? She's my good friend. *does the Carlton Dance*
Now onto the wonderful world of video games.
I was just browsing through Digg and whatnot and came across this. What is it? It's the 9 most pants-pissingly hard, disturbing and/or badass video game villains. That list is pretty damn good and my personal favorite would have to be their description of Sephiroth. C'mon, you saw that coming. What list about video game villains would ever be complete without the girly looking badass that could scorch your punk ass if you so much as think about him the wrong way?
"Sephiroth’s the epitome of the badass anime villain. He’s cold. He’s calculating. Oh, and he’s INSANE. He’s also a little too pretty, leaving that weird “he sure looks like a chick with long flowing hair” feeling as he proceeds to kill everyone and everything in sight. He burns down an entire village, slaying all of its inhabitants, stands in the fire looking right at you, smirks, and walks INTO THE FLAMES. He later proceeds to gut your character’s love interest (though personally I was kinda glad to see her go… the other chick was much hotter, as game chicks go), turning your guy into an even more whiny emo bitch than he was to begin with. You go through a minimum of 40 hours of game time to finally get this guy, and what does he do? He calls down a fucking METEOR from the other end of the solar system and drops it on your ass… repeatedly! Killing Sephiroth’s one of the most satisfying Final Fantasy moments."
Speaking of him, Pauline actually passed me a fanart that had me laughing so hard, I fell off the chair. I'm going to have to ask her to send it to me again. XD It was priceless!
Now one more thing before I head off. For everybody who has EVER played an RPG, you have an obligation to read this awesome list. It's a must. And trust me, it's all true. Even the part where you have to talk to a tree and do what it says.
Now remember: if you have any problems, go out there and find a long-haired pretty boy to beat the living daylights out of. That'll solve everything.
But really, Pauline has got some mad skillz! Her talent is, in my humble opinion, one of the best out there. Mind you, I haven't been privy to many others but from what I've seen so far, she's at the very top of my list. The very proof that she's so awesome rests in the fact that I'm using yet another one of her logo for my tabletop design. Oh and did I mention that she also went to the trouble (at my request) to come up with something awesomely spectacular? I -would- post the design here but I'm afraid of theft so I won't. All I'll say is that my jaw dropped when I saw it. I was in total awe and I still am. Why? First of all, because it's a totally kickass abstract landscape but she also simulated wood grain. WOOD GRAIN! Do you have any bloody idea how that blew my mind? What can I say? This chick's BEYOND awesome. And the best part? She's my good friend. *does the Carlton Dance*
Now onto the wonderful world of video games.
I was just browsing through Digg and whatnot and came across this. What is it? It's the 9 most pants-pissingly hard, disturbing and/or badass video game villains. That list is pretty damn good and my personal favorite would have to be their description of Sephiroth. C'mon, you saw that coming. What list about video game villains would ever be complete without the girly looking badass that could scorch your punk ass if you so much as think about him the wrong way?
"Sephiroth’s the epitome of the badass anime villain. He’s cold. He’s calculating. Oh, and he’s INSANE. He’s also a little too pretty, leaving that weird “he sure looks like a chick with long flowing hair” feeling as he proceeds to kill everyone and everything in sight. He burns down an entire village, slaying all of its inhabitants, stands in the fire looking right at you, smirks, and walks INTO THE FLAMES. He later proceeds to gut your character’s love interest (though personally I was kinda glad to see her go… the other chick was much hotter, as game chicks go), turning your guy into an even more whiny emo bitch than he was to begin with. You go through a minimum of 40 hours of game time to finally get this guy, and what does he do? He calls down a fucking METEOR from the other end of the solar system and drops it on your ass… repeatedly! Killing Sephiroth’s one of the most satisfying Final Fantasy moments."
Speaking of him, Pauline actually passed me a fanart that had me laughing so hard, I fell off the chair. I'm going to have to ask her to send it to me again. XD It was priceless!
Now one more thing before I head off. For everybody who has EVER played an RPG, you have an obligation to read this awesome list. It's a must. And trust me, it's all true. Even the part where you have to talk to a tree and do what it says.
Now remember: if you have any problems, go out there and find a long-haired pretty boy to beat the living daylights out of. That'll solve everything.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
One more, that's all we need. One more.
We lost tonight. Badly. >_< We lost to Boston. Final score? 5-1. All the Habs fans in the night groups (just about everybody) were devastated. It's the playoffs and we just lost 5-1 to Boston? That means they actually have a chance of advancing to the next round. But wait! This is still only just Game 5! We're still leading 3-2. We only need ONE more game. And we WILL get that one game! Watch out, Boston, and get ready to have your collective asses kicked! GO HABS GO!
Remember what I said last night about probably having more sanding to do tonight? I was wrong! I have -never- been so glad to be so wrong in my entire life. EVER! That's because we started a new module today: Basic Veneering. We're going to be creating a tabletop for the leg and rail that we designed back in module 4. Now let's just hope I don't royally screw up whatever design I come up with for the parquetry. If I do, feel free to throw me into a steaming pile of freshly laundered, fluffy towels. ...What? Hey, if I end up screwing it up, I'll need to be comforted! Just be happy I didn't ask to be treated to an expensive Japanese meal. Actually, that's not a bad idea...
Speaking of wood, I finished that tea box I was making! And it turns out the teachers didn't use the projects as firewood! Eh, that's probably because it's so hot outside. Mind you, it's got a bunch of flaws in it that I'm not too happy about. Of course, a certain someone will be hitting me upside the head as she reads this. *Gets hit by a hippo*
-She's not even reading yet!
-*Shrugs* Pre-emptive strike?
-At least wait until she freakin' gets here. Don't go around hitting people, alright?
-I'm bored. *hits me upside the head again*
-*Gives the evil eye* You watch it!
-... *Takes out 7-feet Masamune*
-Wha... How... When did... YOU'RE 6" TALL! THAT SWORD IS 7'!
-I'm just that awesome.
-*Mind explodes*

ANYWAY! Considering the fact that it was only my third project, it didn't turn out too bad. It certainly could have been worse. You know, like cutting the box open on the wrong side. ...Don't worry. I didn't. haha Although I nearly did that for my first project. Actually, forget what you just read. Reach for that delete button and press it repeatedly.
That's it for tonight. I'm going to be looking for a parquetry design for the tabletop. Let's hope I find something to my liking.
Now be nice and don't antagonize the hippo over there. I'm not responsible for whatever he does to you.
Remember what I said last night about probably having more sanding to do tonight? I was wrong! I have -never- been so glad to be so wrong in my entire life. EVER! That's because we started a new module today: Basic Veneering. We're going to be creating a tabletop for the leg and rail that we designed back in module 4. Now let's just hope I don't royally screw up whatever design I come up with for the parquetry. If I do, feel free to throw me into a steaming pile of freshly laundered, fluffy towels. ...What? Hey, if I end up screwing it up, I'll need to be comforted! Just be happy I didn't ask to be treated to an expensive Japanese meal. Actually, that's not a bad idea...
Speaking of wood, I finished that tea box I was making! And it turns out the teachers didn't use the projects as firewood! Eh, that's probably because it's so hot outside. Mind you, it's got a bunch of flaws in it that I'm not too happy about. Of course, a certain someone will be hitting me upside the head as she reads this. *Gets hit by a hippo*
-She's not even reading yet!
-*Shrugs* Pre-emptive strike?
-At least wait until she freakin' gets here. Don't go around hitting people, alright?
-I'm bored. *hits me upside the head again*
-*Gives the evil eye* You watch it!
-... *Takes out 7-feet Masamune*
-Wha... How... When did... YOU'RE 6" TALL! THAT SWORD IS 7'!
-I'm just that awesome.
-*Mind explodes*
ANYWAY! Considering the fact that it was only my third project, it didn't turn out too bad. It certainly could have been worse. You know, like cutting the box open on the wrong side. ...Don't worry. I didn't. haha Although I nearly did that for my first project. Actually, forget what you just read. Reach for that delete button and press it repeatedly.
That's it for tonight. I'm going to be looking for a parquetry design for the tabletop. Let's hope I find something to my liking.
Now be nice and don't antagonize the hippo over there. I'm not responsible for whatever he does to you.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Show me sandpaper and I -will- wound you.
With that said, I am officially SICK of sanding. I spent almost the entire 6 hours at school tonight SANDING the parts we're going to be assembling for the thrice-damned lamp. Okay, maybe not thrice-damned. Only twice. Six straight hours of nothing but rubbing a piece of paper back and forth. Then again, I was working my way up the grits so that contributed to all that time. I started with 120 grit and worked my way through 150, 180 and finally 220. But I am done. Or at least, I am for the night. I suspect there will be more of that in store for me tomorrow. *breaks down and sobs uncontrollably*
So until tomorrow, please do not show me sandpaper in any form. I don't care if it's a random orbital sander, a finishing sander, a drum sander, oscillating spindle sander, belt sander or any other sanding devices. Because if you do, I -will- wound you. Severely and savagely. With a blunt and rusty spoon. With sharp dents in it.
On another note, I was informed that my copy of Jackket Knightmare has arrived! Sorry, my autographed copy of the comic has arrived. I cannot wait to read it! That is if the ev- I mean, awesome Pauline will let me have my copy. It's currently in her possession. I just have to convince her that she only really needs her own copy and not mine too. ...It would certainly be easier if I had something to distract her with. >_> Oh wait... Where's that redhead I passed on the street the other day...? Gotta track him down.
The author is a close and extremely good friend of mine. She is nothing short of amazing. Wonderful. Stupendous. Extraordinary. In reality, none of those words, nor any other words in the English language are enough to describe just how awesome she is. Amazing artist but also a very talented singer.
If you haven't already, go and order your own copy of the comic. You won't be disappointed. I promise you that. In fact, I'm so sure of myself that I'll go and clean your place from top to bottom if you're not satisfied. And no, you cannot have my contact information.
Anyway, it's been a long day for me. I need sleep. Or rather, I'll try not to fall asleep on my way up to bed.
Now be nice and don't reach for the sandpaper. *points to warning above*
So until tomorrow, please do not show me sandpaper in any form. I don't care if it's a random orbital sander, a finishing sander, a drum sander, oscillating spindle sander, belt sander or any other sanding devices. Because if you do, I -will- wound you. Severely and savagely. With a blunt and rusty spoon. With sharp dents in it.
On another note, I was informed that my copy of Jackket Knightmare has arrived! Sorry, my autographed copy of the comic has arrived. I cannot wait to read it! That is if the ev- I mean, awesome Pauline will let me have my copy. It's currently in her possession. I just have to convince her that she only really needs her own copy and not mine too. ...It would certainly be easier if I had something to distract her with. >_> Oh wait... Where's that redhead I passed on the street the other day...? Gotta track him down.
The author is a close and extremely good friend of mine. She is nothing short of amazing. Wonderful. Stupendous. Extraordinary. In reality, none of those words, nor any other words in the English language are enough to describe just how awesome she is. Amazing artist but also a very talented singer.
If you haven't already, go and order your own copy of the comic. You won't be disappointed. I promise you that. In fact, I'm so sure of myself that I'll go and clean your place from top to bottom if you're not satisfied. And no, you cannot have my contact information.
Anyway, it's been a long day for me. I need sleep. Or rather, I'll try not to fall asleep on my way up to bed.
Now be nice and don't reach for the sandpaper. *points to warning above*
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Do you know what's the surest sign that you will not be able to get any work done at school?
I walked into the workshop and the first thing I see is a Habs jersey strung up and hanging down from the ceiling. The back of the jersey is sporting the program coordinator's name and it's got #1 on it. XD Oh and the game was tonight. Since 99.9% of the people in the night groups are huge fans of the Habs, the TV and the radio were on all night. You can imagine how ecstatic we were when Brisebois scored that goal during powerplay! We're now leading 3-1! GO HABS GO!
Onto the awesome world of fan-made music!
You know you've got WAY too much time on your hands when you do this. Watch the video and you'll know what I mean.
Mario Theme Played with RC Car and Bottles - Watch more free videos
That's the freakin' Mario Theme song played with a radio controlled car and wine bottles! I don't even want to think of how much trial and error went into that. I'm not sure whether I should congratulate the guy for pulling this off or hit him upside the head for wasting so much time. Maybe I'll do both. The order of operation may vary.
And speaking of awesome videos...
A very stupendous and extraordinary friend sent me this. It's an oldie and I remember this from way back in the day but this is definitely a keeper. End of world, people. End of the world. What's going on, eh?
Now to finish off this entry with an interesting conversation I had last night with a certain person I won't name. Don't worry, nobody will know it's you, Pauline.
Me: I just thought of something... Who would win in a fight? Sephiroth or Darth Vader?
Pauline: Humm...I say Seph.
Me: Why?
Pauline: I don't know. Vader only has a light saber and the Force. Seph's got nice shampoo. Go figure.
Me: LMAO Yeah but Vader could use the Force Choke.
Pauline: Yeah... or Seph could use materia fire or show him a pic of Cloud! And then... Vader shits in his pants.
Me: Oh shit, Emo King! ... Wait. Why the hell would Seph carry around a picture of Cloud?
Pauline: LOL
Me: You know what? I don't even want to speculate.
Pauline: To ask people: "Have you seen this thing? I need to kill it."
Me: No, that's probably just the excuse he uses when he's caught with Cloud's pic.
Actually, there's one extra thing I must share with everybody before I go. Very important. It's quite epic, I assure!
I walked into the workshop and the first thing I see is a Habs jersey strung up and hanging down from the ceiling. The back of the jersey is sporting the program coordinator's name and it's got #1 on it. XD Oh and the game was tonight. Since 99.9% of the people in the night groups are huge fans of the Habs, the TV and the radio were on all night. You can imagine how ecstatic we were when Brisebois scored that goal during powerplay! We're now leading 3-1! GO HABS GO!
Onto the awesome world of fan-made music!
You know you've got WAY too much time on your hands when you do this. Watch the video and you'll know what I mean.
Mario Theme Played with RC Car and Bottles - Watch more free videos
That's the freakin' Mario Theme song played with a radio controlled car and wine bottles! I don't even want to think of how much trial and error went into that. I'm not sure whether I should congratulate the guy for pulling this off or hit him upside the head for wasting so much time. Maybe I'll do both. The order of operation may vary.
And speaking of awesome videos...
A very stupendous and extraordinary friend sent me this. It's an oldie and I remember this from way back in the day but this is definitely a keeper. End of world, people. End of the world. What's going on, eh?
Now to finish off this entry with an interesting conversation I had last night with a certain person I won't name. Don't worry, nobody will know it's you, Pauline.
Me: I just thought of something... Who would win in a fight? Sephiroth or Darth Vader?
Pauline: Humm...I say Seph.
Me: Why?
Pauline: I don't know. Vader only has a light saber and the Force. Seph's got nice shampoo. Go figure.
Me: LMAO Yeah but Vader could use the Force Choke.
Pauline: Yeah... or Seph could use materia fire or show him a pic of Cloud! And then... Vader shits in his pants.
Me: Oh shit, Emo King! ... Wait. Why the hell would Seph carry around a picture of Cloud?
Pauline: LOL
Me: You know what? I don't even want to speculate.
Pauline: To ask people: "Have you seen this thing? I need to kill it."
Me: No, that's probably just the excuse he uses when he's caught with Cloud's pic.
Actually, there's one extra thing I must share with everybody before I go. Very important. It's quite epic, I assure!

Monday, April 14, 2008
Common sense. Use it!
Webmasters everywhere, pay attention. I don't care if you already own a site or if you're planning on starting one but please, for the love of all that is sacred, get a second and third opinion on your domain name! If doesn't take too long to have a friend double-check what you decided to go with. Trust me. It would save you years of embarrassment. Besides, your friends would never let you live that down. Unless, of course, the people you ask for verification are jackasses. Then you're in deep shit.
Man... School tonight was, for me, quite unproductive. There wasn't much for me to do. All I did was drill some holes with different size bits for the lamp base. I also helped someone on my team sand a few columns but uhh... that was about it. Six hours and that's all I was able to accomplish. Sheesh. I just hope it won't be so bad when I have my own shop. Unless I hire people. Then I'll be able to delegate everything and sit in the office all day playing some MMO on the computer. ...Forget that last sentence. You never read that!
Keeping in character with my wholly slow night, I'll end this post with something that will surely result with me being brutally beaten to within an inch of my life. Repeatedly. By a ninja hippo, of course.
For those lining up to beat me down, I have one thing to say: DO YOUR WORST! *runs away screaming like a little girl*
Man... School tonight was, for me, quite unproductive. There wasn't much for me to do. All I did was drill some holes with different size bits for the lamp base. I also helped someone on my team sand a few columns but uhh... that was about it. Six hours and that's all I was able to accomplish. Sheesh. I just hope it won't be so bad when I have my own shop. Unless I hire people. Then I'll be able to delegate everything and sit in the office all day playing some MMO on the computer. ...Forget that last sentence. You never read that!
Keeping in character with my wholly slow night, I'll end this post with something that will surely result with me being brutally beaten to within an inch of my life. Repeatedly. By a ninja hippo, of course.
For those lining up to beat me down, I have one thing to say: DO YOUR WORST! *runs away screaming like a little girl*
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Randomeness extraordinaire!
Please excuse the lack of any organization in this post. Ah, what the heck am I saying? If that bothers you, go and put together a 2000-piece puzzle. Then you'll appreciate the sheer simplicity of my post.
First order of business: The Habs lost Game 3 of the playoffs. Boston scored in OT, bringing the final score to 2-1. Boston is back and we've got extra work to do. Oh well, it's not too bad. I have the utmost confidence in our players. GO HABS GO!
Tonight's game was pretty crazy though. The goalies from both teams performed exceptionally well and made some eye-popping saves. Kudos to their efforts. In Price's defense, that last goal was hard to manage since there was so much traffic in front of the net.
Now onto some truly important information for men everywhere.
I surf on Digg quite often. From time to time, there are a few articles from a site called Divine Caroline. Quite a few of the stuff posted are helpful in some ways. Anymoo, I stumbled across a list last night and boy, oh boy is it GOLD! Men all over the world, read that damn list and PAY ATTENTION! Your life -actually- depends on it.
For the truly dedicated readers who don't want to click on the link for fear of navigating away from the awesomeness that is my blog, I'll replicate the contents here.
Handy Monthly Guide for Men
By: Ophelia Payne
This is a handy guide for those days of the month when a man is taking his life in his hands if he opens his mouth.
DANGEROUS: What’s for dinner?
SAFER: Can I help you with dinner?
SAFEST: Where would you like to go for dinner?
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine.
DANGEROUS: Are you wearing that?
SAFER: Wow, you sure look good in brown!
SAFEST: WOW! Look at you!
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine
DANGEROUS: What are you so worked up about?
SAFER: Could we be overreacting?
SAFEST: Here’s my paycheck.
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine.
DANGEROUS: Should you be eating that?
SAFER: You know, there are a lot of apples left.
SAFEST: Can I get you a piece of chocolate with that?
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine.
DANGEROUS: What did you DO all day?
SAFER: I hope you didn’t over-do it today.
SAFEST: I’ve always loved you in that robe!
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine.
Now here's something that completely baffled me. It still makes no sense whatsoever.
Check out this article and tell me what you think. Quick summary: a set of parents are arguing over which gang their 4-year old toddler should join. ...WHAT!? The kid can't even properly play Street Fighter and you're already thinking of turning your son into a gangster? Here's some advice: how about you DON'T have him join a gang? It just might prolong his life by oh... ionno... 30-40 years, if not more.
Don't mind me. I'm not particularly positive about gangs since I've lost a friend to a gang-related fight.
Anyway, I think I've said enough for today.
Now go in pieces and think about what I have taught you. But don't think too hard. You might injure yourself.
First order of business: The Habs lost Game 3 of the playoffs. Boston scored in OT, bringing the final score to 2-1. Boston is back and we've got extra work to do. Oh well, it's not too bad. I have the utmost confidence in our players. GO HABS GO!
Tonight's game was pretty crazy though. The goalies from both teams performed exceptionally well and made some eye-popping saves. Kudos to their efforts. In Price's defense, that last goal was hard to manage since there was so much traffic in front of the net.
Now onto some truly important information for men everywhere.
I surf on Digg quite often. From time to time, there are a few articles from a site called Divine Caroline. Quite a few of the stuff posted are helpful in some ways. Anymoo, I stumbled across a list last night and boy, oh boy is it GOLD! Men all over the world, read that damn list and PAY ATTENTION! Your life -actually- depends on it.
For the truly dedicated readers who don't want to click on the link for fear of navigating away from the awesomeness that is my blog, I'll replicate the contents here.

By: Ophelia Payne
This is a handy guide for those days of the month when a man is taking his life in his hands if he opens his mouth.
DANGEROUS: What’s for dinner?
SAFER: Can I help you with dinner?
SAFEST: Where would you like to go for dinner?
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine.
DANGEROUS: Are you wearing that?
SAFER: Wow, you sure look good in brown!
SAFEST: WOW! Look at you!
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine
DANGEROUS: What are you so worked up about?
SAFER: Could we be overreacting?
SAFEST: Here’s my paycheck.
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine.
DANGEROUS: Should you be eating that?
SAFER: You know, there are a lot of apples left.
SAFEST: Can I get you a piece of chocolate with that?
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine.
DANGEROUS: What did you DO all day?
SAFER: I hope you didn’t over-do it today.
SAFEST: I’ve always loved you in that robe!
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some wine.
Now here's something that completely baffled me. It still makes no sense whatsoever.
Check out this article and tell me what you think. Quick summary: a set of parents are arguing over which gang their 4-year old toddler should join. ...WHAT!? The kid can't even properly play Street Fighter and you're already thinking of turning your son into a gangster? Here's some advice: how about you DON'T have him join a gang? It just might prolong his life by oh... ionno... 30-40 years, if not more.
Don't mind me. I'm not particularly positive about gangs since I've lost a friend to a gang-related fight.
Anyway, I think I've said enough for today.
Now go in pieces and think about what I have taught you. But don't think too hard. You might injure yourself.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Chill, people. There's enough of me to go around.
Okay, picture this: you're with a group of friends at all the mall and everybody's hungry. There's a crapload of restaurants: Euro Snack, Thai Express, Cultures, The Wok, Franx Supreme, Subway's and Sushi Shop. The logical thing to do would be to spread out, grab some grub and get back together so you can all munch together, right? WRONG!
Well, according to the 50 or so Americans teens that we served within an hour, that is. Oh and get this: a few of them tried to show off their language skills by speaking French to me. That is, they tried until they realized my l33t skills completely trumped theirs and left them looking like drooling douchebags. Then they switched back to good ol' "American", as one of them corrected me. My bad. I didn't know Canadian English differed so much from American. Of course, we sound so much cooler, eh?
It still wouldn't have been too bad if it was just that. That's when the trouble starts. The items on the menu that aren't usually ordered even during the weekday lunch rush? There were all ordered at one point or another. And those are the items that take the most time to prepare too. Didn't I warn you they would take more time to prepare? Oh wait, didn't you say you weren't in a rush? Why complain now? It hasn't been five minutes since you ordered. And here's a heads up: you're supposed to get out of line when you have your food. Or did you expect me to seat you, feed you and wipe your ass for you?
Anyway, enough of that.
Someone is finally catching up on Bleach. The anime. Of course, I read all of what she's watching a few months ago. It was quite tempting not to spill the beans. ...Wait, didn't I already do that on several occasions? =D Don't worry, I won't say your name, Pauline. You're perfectly safe. Oh and while we're on the subject, let me spoil this for you! Urahara was actually th- *gets kidnapped*
The manga (we're still talking Bleach here) is getting quite interesting, especially with what's being explained right now. I'll stop here since I don't want to get kidnapped and threatened by a sword-wielding hippo. Again.
On another note, did anybody note that Death Note has another note? (See what I did there? I'm a genius and I didn't even know it.) Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases. It's a novel that serves as a prequel to the manga. However, it'll help to have read the manga first. You don't believe me? Don't point the finger at me when you die of a mysterious heart attack.
Now remember, play nice and don't write any names in suspicious black notebooks. Oh alright, but only because he's such a tool.
Well, according to the 50 or so Americans teens that we served within an hour, that is. Oh and get this: a few of them tried to show off their language skills by speaking French to me. That is, they tried until they realized my l33t skills completely trumped theirs and left them looking like drooling douchebags. Then they switched back to good ol' "American", as one of them corrected me. My bad. I didn't know Canadian English differed so much from American. Of course, we sound so much cooler, eh?
It still wouldn't have been too bad if it was just that. That's when the trouble starts. The items on the menu that aren't usually ordered even during the weekday lunch rush? There were all ordered at one point or another. And those are the items that take the most time to prepare too. Didn't I warn you they would take more time to prepare? Oh wait, didn't you say you weren't in a rush? Why complain now? It hasn't been five minutes since you ordered. And here's a heads up: you're supposed to get out of line when you have your food. Or did you expect me to seat you, feed you and wipe your ass for you?
Anyway, enough of that.
Someone is finally catching up on Bleach. The anime. Of course, I read all of what she's watching a few months ago. It was quite tempting not to spill the beans. ...Wait, didn't I already do that on several occasions? =D Don't worry, I won't say your name, Pauline. You're perfectly safe. Oh and while we're on the subject, let me spoil this for you! Urahara was actually th- *gets kidnapped*
The manga (we're still talking Bleach here) is getting quite interesting, especially with what's being explained right now. I'll stop here since I don't want to get kidnapped and threatened by a sword-wielding hippo. Again.
On another note, did anybody note that Death Note has another note? (See what I did there? I'm a genius and I didn't even know it.) Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases. It's a novel that serves as a prequel to the manga. However, it'll help to have read the manga first. You don't believe me? Don't point the finger at me when you die of a mysterious heart attack.
Now remember, play nice and don't write any names in suspicious black notebooks. Oh alright, but only because he's such a tool.
Are you ready?
Are you?
...For what? Isn't it obvious? For the world sensation awesomeness that is me, of course. What, did you think I was talking about the upcoming Olympics?
Okay, enough ego boosting and on to the actual content. Or so I hope.
After having been begged (threatened), cajoled (forced) and convinced (blackmailed) into creating a blog, here I am. No, no names. You know who you are. No, I'm not pointing anybody out either. I fear for my life now. Actually, the threatening should tone down a bit since Tifa is now safely in my ro- I mean, safe and sound at her own place.
So what's this about? Most likely, this blog will be about stuff that happened to me during the day (yes, my days -are- quite eventful) and/or things that catches my attention. Yes, other than video games and Pauline's eye-popping, drool-inducing, mind-blowing wallpapers. (There, I did it. Now can you -please- call off Renji? His sword pointing is making me nervous, especially with his nervous tic.)
I can't promise I'll update consistently as certain people. *coughPaulinecough* However, I do hope I won't be as sporadic as others. *coughGeorgecough* I'll do my best to keep some kind of schedule. ...Then again, who needs sleep, right?
Anymoo, since tonight's topic revolved mainly about the epic game that is Starcraft 2, I'll post up something related to it. Speaking of which, a few people have already put down a deposit for a pre-order. Crazy? Not really. Awesome? Definitely. Did I do it? Heck no. Why? I blew the cash on food. =D Lesson to be learned from the picture? Never aggro an Ultralisk if you're a lone Marine on patrol.

Oh and for those of you unaware, I'm studying to become a cabinetmaker. That means I'll be making furnitures, cabinets and other totally cool stuff out of wood. Here are previews of projects I've finished and handed in. Will I be seeing them again? Who knows? The teachers might be using these projects as firewood to keep the school warm. Damn budget cuts.

That first picture is a glue-up of a project under clamps. If you count carefully, there are 12 clamps. Overkill? Maybe but I like to be cautious. haha The other one is an unfinished tea box. More to come, especially since we're simulating production work and making table lamps now.
That being said, I need to sle- I mean, rest my eyes for a bit. It's been a long day.
Now be nice and don't poke each other's eyes out.
Are you?
...For what? Isn't it obvious? For the world sensation awesomeness that is me, of course. What, did you think I was talking about the upcoming Olympics?
Okay, enough ego boosting and on to the actual content. Or so I hope.
After having been begged (threatened), cajoled (forced) and convinced (blackmailed) into creating a blog, here I am. No, no names. You know who you are. No, I'm not pointing anybody out either. I fear for my life now. Actually, the threatening should tone down a bit since Tifa is now safely in my ro- I mean, safe and sound at her own place.
So what's this about? Most likely, this blog will be about stuff that happened to me during the day (yes, my days -are- quite eventful) and/or things that catches my attention. Yes, other than video games and Pauline's eye-popping, drool-inducing, mind-blowing wallpapers. (There, I did it. Now can you -please- call off Renji? His sword pointing is making me nervous, especially with his nervous tic.)
I can't promise I'll update consistently as certain people. *coughPaulinecough* However, I do hope I won't be as sporadic as others. *coughGeorgecough* I'll do my best to keep some kind of schedule. ...Then again, who needs sleep, right?
Anymoo, since tonight's topic revolved mainly about the epic game that is Starcraft 2, I'll post up something related to it. Speaking of which, a few people have already put down a deposit for a pre-order. Crazy? Not really. Awesome? Definitely. Did I do it? Heck no. Why? I blew the cash on food. =D Lesson to be learned from the picture? Never aggro an Ultralisk if you're a lone Marine on patrol.

Oh and for those of you unaware, I'm studying to become a cabinetmaker. That means I'll be making furnitures, cabinets and other totally cool stuff out of wood. Here are previews of projects I've finished and handed in. Will I be seeing them again? Who knows? The teachers might be using these projects as firewood to keep the school warm. Damn budget cuts.
That first picture is a glue-up of a project under clamps. If you count carefully, there are 12 clamps. Overkill? Maybe but I like to be cautious. haha The other one is an unfinished tea box. More to come, especially since we're simulating production work and making table lamps now.
That being said, I need to sle- I mean, rest my eyes for a bit. It's been a long day.
Now be nice and don't poke each other's eyes out.
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