Alright so 4chan -can- be pretty bad and could potentially make you blind (some things you simply -cannot- un-see...) but it really isn't all that bad. So it's up there but there are plenty of other things that are worse such as Man-Faye. ...Oh wait. I first became aware of that abomination through 4chan. Okay, think here... Right, that would wo-... I -did- think of something but I'd rather not traumatize anybody. Let's just leave it at the fact that there are things worse than 4chan. =p
Anyway, I came across an image showing a pretty darn cool desktop. After a lot of hard work digging around trying to find out what exactly were those programs on that desktop that made it so awesome, I found my answer by simply clicking on the REPLY button to see all the other posts.
Now after some fiddling around and whatnot, I present to you the awesomeness that is my new desktop!

Now I'm going to head to bed. Had a long day. ><
That desktop looks really awesome Jerzi! BTW, is that Vista? It looks really nice and looks futuristic, I like it! =D Nice wallpaper too btw. *runs to find some nice wallpapers too*
you have successfully suckered me into d/ling it
now i'm wondering how best to use it...
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