Are you?
...For what? Isn't it obvious? For the world sensation awesomeness that is me, of course. What, did you think I was talking about the upcoming Olympics?
Okay, enough ego boosting and on to the actual content. Or so I hope.
After having been begged (threatened), cajoled (forced) and convinced (blackmailed) into creating a blog, here I am. No, no names. You know who you are. No, I'm not pointing anybody out either. I fear for my life now. Actually, the threatening should tone down a bit since Tifa is now safely in my ro- I mean, safe and sound at her own place.
So what's this about? Most likely, this blog will be about stuff that happened to me during the day (yes, my days -are- quite eventful) and/or things that catches my attention. Yes, other than video games and Pauline's eye-popping, drool-inducing, mind-blowing wallpapers. (There, I did it. Now can you -please- call off Renji? His sword pointing is making me nervous, especially with his nervous tic.)
I can't promise I'll update consistently as certain people. *coughPaulinecough* However, I do hope I won't be as sporadic as others. *coughGeorgecough* I'll do my best to keep some kind of schedule. ...Then again, who needs sleep, right?
Anymoo, since tonight's topic revolved mainly about the epic game that is Starcraft 2, I'll post up something related to it. Speaking of which, a few people have already put down a deposit for a pre-order. Crazy? Not really. Awesome? Definitely. Did I do it? Heck no. Why? I blew the cash on food. =D Lesson to be learned from the picture? Never aggro an Ultralisk if you're a lone Marine on patrol.

Oh and for those of you unaware, I'm studying to become a cabinetmaker. That means I'll be making furnitures, cabinets and other totally cool stuff out of wood. Here are previews of projects I've finished and handed in. Will I be seeing them again? Who knows? The teachers might be using these projects as firewood to keep the school warm. Damn budget cuts.
That first picture is a glue-up of a project under clamps. If you count carefully, there are 12 clamps. Overkill? Maybe but I like to be cautious. haha The other one is an unfinished tea box. More to come, especially since we're simulating production work and making table lamps now.
That being said, I need to sle- I mean, rest my eyes for a bit. It's been a long day.
Now be nice and don't poke each other's eyes out.
And I have first post! WOOTZOR! Nice to see this trend is making us more verbal than ever :D
I love the picture you posted lol. Poor little human trooper; he's probably wondering how much he had in life insurance...No wait, they're prisoners...weren't they?
CABINETMAKER FTW! Can't wait for the bowl, the tea box, the epic sword; you name it!
I've always been verbal. Long-winded, some might say. If you visit the forums a wee bit more often, you would see proof of that. haha
And yes, those Marines are reformed prisoners. Doesn't mean they can't have life insurance. They need to impress the chicks somehow, you know. Since they don't have a 7-figure income, the life insurance is their back-up plan. XD
Actually, the bowl will have to wait. I just thought of a really cool idea for a layered look. I'm going to be using different colored wood for that. Oh and I'm going to make it huge. Otherwise, it wouldn't be much of a chip bowl. haha
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