A mouse, a regular, run-of-the-mill, house mouse managed to solve a maze that a team of scientist spent an entire YEAR designing. Here's the kicker: the mouse did it in 30 seconds. That mouse completely and utterly destroyed that team's effort. Frankly, I don't feel sorry for them. That funding could've been used for something else. Like getting me a set of wheels. Or a whole new wardrobe. Or better yet, the kitchen of my dreams. Shush you. I actually cook!
In other news, work today was a test of my patience. That's coming from a pretty patient guy. Everything was DEAD! I literally sat there and read a good chunk of my book while my co-worker read a good chunk of HIS book. If we had cards, we would've started a poker game with the people from Thai Express, Le Wok and the penguin from the skating rink. Hey! Don't diss the penguin!
As for the game... Let's not go there. >_< Suffice it to say that Game 7 will happen on Monday at the Bell Centre. I'm not even going to watch the match. No, it's not because I don't want to be tortured. I just have more important things to do. *Gets mobbed by Habs fans everywhere* Now I shall leave you with the single, most awesome cosplay I've seen. EVER! It's made of nothing but WIN! Bask in the glory that is ...

I want that Cloudette to marry me.
I'm not going to watch the game either...I don't think I will. But...ok, maybe I'll check things now and then...just now and then...
The article was mighty interesting :P I love The Onion (not literally). They always have something so offbeat/tasteless yet undeniably entertaining for us to read. Kudos to the mouse!
i'm not sure if he's Cloud, Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz), or the Scarecrow (also from the Wizard of Oz).
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