I walked into the workshop and the first thing I see is a Habs jersey strung up and hanging down from the ceiling. The back of the jersey is sporting the program coordinator's name and it's got #1 on it. XD Oh and the game was tonight. Since 99.9% of the people in the night groups are huge fans of the Habs, the TV and the radio were on all night. You can imagine how ecstatic we were when Brisebois scored that goal during powerplay! We're now leading 3-1! GO HABS GO!
Onto the awesome world of fan-made music!
You know you've got WAY too much time on your hands when you do this. Watch the video and you'll know what I mean.
Mario Theme Played with RC Car and Bottles - Watch more free videos
That's the freakin' Mario Theme song played with a radio controlled car and wine bottles! I don't even want to think of how much trial and error went into that. I'm not sure whether I should congratulate the guy for pulling this off or hit him upside the head for wasting so much time. Maybe I'll do both. The order of operation may vary.
And speaking of awesome videos...
A very stupendous and extraordinary friend sent me this. It's an oldie and I remember this from way back in the day but this is definitely a keeper. End of world, people. End of the world. What's going on, eh?
Now to finish off this entry with an interesting conversation I had last night with a certain person I won't name. Don't worry, nobody will know it's you, Pauline.
Me: I just thought of something... Who would win in a fight? Sephiroth or Darth Vader?
Pauline: Humm...I say Seph.
Me: Why?
Pauline: I don't know. Vader only has a light saber and the Force. Seph's got nice shampoo. Go figure.
Me: LMAO Yeah but Vader could use the Force Choke.
Pauline: Yeah... or Seph could use materia fire or show him a pic of Cloud! And then... Vader shits in his pants.
Me: Oh shit, Emo King! ... Wait. Why the hell would Seph carry around a picture of Cloud?
Pauline: LOL
Me: You know what? I don't even want to speculate.
Pauline: To ask people: "Have you seen this thing? I need to kill it."
Me: No, that's probably just the excuse he uses when he's caught with Cloud's pic.
Actually, there's one extra thing I must share with everybody before I go. Very important. It's quite epic, I assure!

LOL at the Jerm! You just had to go ahead and quote me during my glamorous moments eh? Well, I hope people don't realize I hate Cloud. Does it show? :P
Thanks for double posting the Nigga Moon, I'm just G and heavy J enjoyed tremendously. I didn't even know it was coming. God...my sanity.
Loved the vid you posted...it's kinda cute, sitting around with an electronic car trying NOT to hit the bottles, when drunk ^^
Why the heck do you think I left such a huge empty space between that last sentence and the actual picture? What, because it looks good? Heck no, it was a surprise attack!
Actually, pass me the link for Final Fatasy? I'll post that as a follow up. lol
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