Anyway, I've been busy as of late for several reasons, some of that I won't bother getting into.
School itself has been ... well, let's just say that there are some days where nothing go your way. On the bright side though, we finished the lamps we've been working on. Well, it's mostly done. There's just a few minor tweaks that we have to do but we're good to go. I didn't think to take pictures as we went along since we were pressed for time but here's the finished product.
Right now, it's just the base and the frame. I'm going to be getting the electronic components as well as the material for the lampshade at a later time. I'm still debating whether I should use rice paper, stained glass or mica (a type of stone sliced very thin, about 1/16th of an inch thick). Eh, I'll see. In the meantime, enjoy said pictures. That's an order.
Another reason that I've been lacking in my updates is because of ... Granado Espada. Yes, I've been sucked into the world of MMORPGs. Whereas WoW didn't grab my attention, GE immediately sucked me in. Maybe because I could control 3 characters at the same time or maybe because the designers made the female characters smokin' hot but whatever it is, I'm hooked. Well, I try not to be. I'm doing my best to limit myself. I'm currently only playing twice a week. Here's to hoping I can keep it up.
Anymoo, that's it for tonight. I need sleep.
Now remember: be nice to each other and don't leave the light on when you relieve yourself in the middle of the night.
what is mika?
Wow, so instead of being one hot chick, you're three hot chicks? Amazing! I mean, I've heard of guys being unhappy with their gender and therefore turning to RPGs for a sweet escape...but now you're not only gender frustrated, you're gender frustrated with multiple personalities! AHHH! Someone needs to save you, and it's gonna be me...or the Hippo. You choose :P
And that lamp is looking good Jer. Keep up the good work and we'll be able to eBay that thing for no less than a couple of millions. You can share half of the loot with me; I'm nice like that <3
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