Thursday, October 30, 2008

Uhh... What's that stain?

Don't worry. That red stain on my hands and t-shirt isn't blood. All that brown stuff you see on my pants doesn't mean I crapped myself either. And no, I do not have explosive diarrhea. Don't get your hopes up. If I did, that pair of pants would end up in your car.

We started the Finishing module at school. No, that's not the module where we learn how to perform Fatalities MK-style. Come to think of it, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. Imagine a bunch of cabinetmakers trying to come up with their own finishing moves? We definitely wouldn't be lacking in creativity! Look at all the tools and machines at our disposal! Not to mention volatile finishing products and sharp, pointy wooden sticks. =D

Anyway, I've been playing around with various stains and a variety of processes, testing them on different types of wood to see what effect they would have. Now THAT explains the stains on my hands and clothes. =p They've turned out pretty darn nice. So far, I've only applied stains to two of my projects but I only snapped a picture of one of them. The other one... well, it's just a test.

This here is the tea box I made uhh... Geez, I don't even remember when I made it. Oh well.

So yes, tea box! Lovely, isn't it? I know, my most awesome choice of color has left you completely speechless and staring in awe. It's okay. I understand. My only beef is that my phone's camera is really crappy because the lighting inside the school is abso-freakin'-lutely amazing! GAH! I need me a digital camera *nudge wink hint* ... I said, I need a digital camera! *NUDGE WINK HINT*

Oh and remember that abstract landscape marquetry project I did that Pauline designed? You don't? You know, this one! ... You still don't? HOW DARE YOU FORGET!? *ties together cotton rags soaked in linseed oil and throws them at you* You just wait! No, I mean really. Wait. Uhh... about 2 hours? Maybe 3? The rags should start to smoulder in about 2 hours and should catch fire 10 minutes after that.

So I put a frame around it. It's maple, for the curious ones out there. I'm actually not staining the frame. The contrast between the frame and the walnut background of the piece makes it all the more striking. I'm glad my awesomeness took all that into account.

Anyway, that's it for now. Run along now, kiddies. Don't eat too many candies. You'll get sick.

Now go! Don't interrupt me as I get high on these finishing products! ... Crap, did I say that out loud?

1 comment:

notasparrow said...

lol at first paragraph.
tea box looks great jer ;)