Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sure you can take us with you. On Facebook!

Title © to Kristian Crossley of my Cabinetmaking class.

I took the day off from work yesterday. One of my classmates, Mary, is leaving us for Alberta. That being the case, we decided to throw a good-bye party at Nicholas' place. Well, it also doubled as a housewarming party since we're breaking in his place. Any excuse for a party, eh? haha

I made dumplings, Nich made mouth-watering burger patties, Kristian baked us some delectable burger buns, Cathy made a potato salad that was out of this world, Ben baked two yummy pecan pies and Halina mixed up a most awesome sangria. And then there are those who showed up with all the beer. Always important!

The party was a blast. Good music, good food and amazing people. It's really too bad Mary has to leave us though. Oh and the title was Kristian's response to Mary's "I wish I could take all of you with me!"

Anymoo, time for work now.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Awww, it's always a shame when you have to part ways with a matey. Well, Jer-kun, at least you're not going to the land of nothingness and beef. I'm kidding, Alberta is a great place to be, and hopefully your friend will find what she needs there.