Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May I have this dance?

This is going to be a short one so hang on to your pants!

I just went over to VGCats for my weekly dose of funnies from Scott Ramsoomair and well... unless you've played Phoenix Wright, you might not understand the joke. It's actually pretty simple but you need to know the characters in order to understand it.

However, this time on his little blab that comes with every weekly update, there were a bunch of videos there. The description for one of them was "cutest dancing animation ever", and I abso-freakin'-lutely agree with him.


notasparrow said...

jer, pauline, you people should welcome jinnara18 to the forum hehe.

notasparrow said...

PS: i know you're not into wow, but you should check out the prize they are offering for one of their contests ;P

Pauline said...

Dancing babes are awesome. I was half expecting the little ones to turn into Pamelas but they did not (much in my dismay). Awesome dancing skills. I'm loving the clip and its darn cute Jer! Thanks for sharing!

VG Cats > all.

Notasparrow, I think Jer values his IRL one deserves the WoW addiction in their one.

Damn, now what's my login again?