Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I liiiiiiive!

Or so I think. Wait, let me double check. ... ... Crud, I lost my mind. If anybody comes across it, please tell it to come home.

This past week has been a roller coaster. No, I wasn't ON a roller coaster. Learn you to read. It was one heck of a week full of frustrations that left me wanting to run through walls screaming like a demented cabinetmaker. Oh wait, I -am- a demented cabinetmaker. I just didn't want to hurt myself trying to run through those concrete walls.

Module 12 definitely isn't my module. Every Module 12 project so far has been screwed up by yours truly. Kickback on back piece of tool box? Check. Side piece of tool box being used as a test piece by classmate? Check. Drilling pocket hole on wrong side of table rail? Check. Almost cutting my fingers off on the table saw? Don't get your hopes up.

When I drilled that first pocket hole, it didn't hit me that I was drilling on the wrong side until I was in the process of removing the drill from that hole. That's when I looked at my piece and uttered three words: "That's a tragedy." Or rather, I remembered Alban saying that and couldn't help but repeat the same thing. I just sat there looking at the hole for a good 10 minutes before getting off my ass and covering up the entire rail with a piece of veneer.

I've already made up my mind. I'm going to remake that table frame during the summer. I'm going to buy some ash and work on it at home. That way, I'm not going to have to wait for a table saw and have other people mess with my setups and whatnot. I will, however, have to procure myself a dado set and a couple of router bits. Damn. That's more money down the drain. Oh but wait, what's this? Tax refund? Don't mind if I do! =D

In other news, I think I'm eligible for a hardware upgrade. For the ones not versed in wireless provider lingo, that means I'm entitled to a new cellphone. I'm debating whether or not I should get a new a phone. It's tempting but my phone still works. I do, however, want to get my hands on a smaller and slimmer phone. Why? With my current phone in my pocket, people think I have a freakin' can of beer stuffed down my pants.

Aaaaand that's it.

...Oh crap. Less than 2 weeks.

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