Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Be afraid. Be very afraid!

My teacher is officially afraid of my group. Well, that's what his facial expression suggests. You know, me being so awesome and all. It must rub off on my classmates and whatnot. Maybe except Germain. He's got me beat there.

On Monday, the teacher separated the group into four smaller work teams and gave us different projects to work on. Most of the teams spent a good chunk of time working out the measurements and procedure. Except for my team, of course. We launched ourselves headfirst into the project. ...Which might explain why our adjustable shelves, though cut with the same setup, are all of different lengths. Hm...

Anyway, we only really put in about 3-4 hours of actual work on Monday. It's currently Wednesday night and most teams are on the home stretch with maybe 10% left of the projects to wrap up. And that's all with only 1 panel saw and 1 table saw available to us. Damn senior night group hogging all the machines! *shakes fist*

My teacher walks among our groups and his eyes widen more and more as he moves from group to group. My classmate thought it was from the horror of all the screw ups. I knew it was because we all blew his mind at how quickly we got everything done.

So yeah... I think my incredible awesomeness is rubbing off on my classmates. What can I say? I amaze myself sometimes.

Now don't make too much noise, you hear? Actually, it's okay. I won't be able to hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.

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