So I had 45 hours to start and finish 4 marquetry projects. Actually, make that about 40 hours on account of all the demonstrations and whatnot. It wasn't enough time, not when we also had to make a box. Actually, most of us didn't even get the chance to finish the box. The marquetry is done but the final touches haven't been applied yet.
Anyway, here are two of the four projects I worked on. The first is a nameplate for my nephew's room door. =D

This one here is something P designed for me. I actually had to leave out some elements because of lack of time, even including the amount of time I spent on it outside of school hours at home on the weekends and in the wee hours of the morning. I barely managed to get it pressed to a substrate before having to hand it in. ><

Anyway, let me know what you think!
What do you get when you combine 2 days of work + school, 45 hours for 4 projects and 3 hours of sleep?
Stress, crankiness and a drop away from murdering the next person who asks me "Is it break yet?" GET YOUR OWN FREAKIN' WATCH!
Oh and Brisingr has been released. Bought it and waiting for book 4 now. :(
So I was browsing on 4chan earlier tonight. Whoa whoa whoa! Chill there and let's not go into shock!
Alright so 4chan -can- be pretty bad and could potentially make you blind (some things you simply -cannot- un-see...) but it really isn't all that bad. So it's up there but there are plenty of other things that are worse such as Man-Faye. ...Oh wait. I first became aware of that abomination through 4chan. Okay, think here... Right, that would wo-... I -did- think of something but I'd rather not traumatize anybody. Let's just leave it at the fact that there are things worse than 4chan. =p
Anyway, I came across an image showing a pretty darn cool desktop. After a lot of hard work digging around trying to find out what exactly were those programs on that desktop that made it so awesome, I found my answer by simply clicking on the REPLY button to see all the other posts.
Now after some fiddling around and whatnot, I present to you the awesomeness that is my new desktop!
The fan of icons sticking out of the folder is my main folder where all my files are. It's not always there but I just wanted to show you how it was. =D Ain't it purty? xD
Now I'm going to head to bed. Had a long day. ><